Jan 24, 2025

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform and Mobile Platform:

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
FixedUS-FieldGroups and Scenes serviceFixed an issue where users could receive the group in their account, but the invitation email was not being sent after clicking 'Send Invite.'
FixedUS-FieldUser ServiceFixed an issue where, upon a delete SSO user call from an IDP, the SSO user was not being deleted.
Message Service- Added new fields: facility_id and dealer_id to the AlertHistory message.
- Enhanced logging to track Kinesis message latency.
Device Service

Application Service

Message Template
- We fixed an issue where unwanted exceptions (e.g., 'rule not found' or 'action not found') were thrown when the cron job (scheduled backend jobs) deleted rules or actions.
- Fixed an issue where multiple rules linked to an action were not being deleted when the action was deleted through the cron job (delete_destinations).
- Fixed an issue where a rule linked to multiple actions was being deleted when one of the actions was deleted through the cron job.
- After the fix, as expected only the action associated with the deleted destination is removed.
- Fixed an issue where ‘offline’ notifications were being received for sensor devices, even when the devices were ‘online’.

Mobile Platform:

Following are the v8.0.7 release for Android:

aSDK v8.0.7

Release typeSummary
EnhancedAdded API support to read OEM Model of the setup device during BLE onboarding
Built using Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 1, Java 17, Gradle 8.9 & AGP 8.6.1

aAura v8.0.7

No Updates

Following are the v8.0.7 release for iOS:

iSDK v8.0.7

Release typeSummary
EnhancedNew API support to read OEM Model of the device during BLE onboarding
Built using Xcode 16.0 on macOS 15.0

iAura v8.0.7

Release typeSummary
Built using iOS AylaSDK v8.0.7
Built using Xcode 16.0 on macOS 15.0