This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedSharkDevice ServiceThe Device Service has been upgraded to version, incorporating the following enhancement:

  • To improve the security, setup tokens will get invalidated after completing the registration in AP Mode.
2EnhancedEU-fieldDevice ServiceThe Device Service has been upgraded to version, incorporating the following enhancement:

  • To improve the security, setup tokens will get invalidated after completing the registration in AP Mode.
3FixedUS-fieldGroups & Scenes
  • Fixed an issue wherein the experiences (scenes) were not displayed on the user apps. After the fix, scenes are displayed as expected.

  • Resolved the issues with the slow queries.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedUS-fieldGroups and Scenes ServiceWe added authentication (SASL_SSL) support in GSS service to provide secure access to Kafka platform.‬
2EnhancedCN-fieldPlatform UpgradeWe are upgrading all services in China Platform, ensuring they are brought up to the latest version.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedOwlet-devLog ServiceLog service is upgraded to v1.7.45 to support OpenSearch.
2EnhancedOwlet-devDatapoint Service (DPS)We upgraded the Datapoint Service version to 42.0.8.
In this upgrade, we added support for property updates with echo in batched datapoints.

Ayla Developer Portal
We added a new connect type “Matter Connect” to the list of Available Connects in the Ayla Developer Portal. You can select this newly added connect type for Templates and Devices. Selecting Matter Connect enables the devices to connect and communicate to mobile applications through matter.
4FixedUS-fieldGroups and Scenes Service (GSS)We fixed an issue wherein schedule update was not happening due to property_value datatype mismatch.
5Configuration changesUS-fieldNotification Service
Performed configuration changes to keep the Notification and connectivity services up to date.
6EnhancedUS-fieldDevice Auth Service

User Service
Performed log optimisation for User Service.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedOwlet-devAyla Customer DashboardWe updated the Data Export tab in Ayla Customer Dashboard to support Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
2EnhancedEU-fieldUser Service
Device Auth Service
Performed log optimisation for User Service.
3EnhancedUS-fieldFeed ServicePerformed configuration changes in the Feed Service to keep the service up to date.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedOwletUser ServiceAdded loggers for user account deletion, role assignment, role revocation, and for the number of failed login attempts.
Added additional loggers to get cookies data when Oauth flow breaks.
2FixedOwletUser ServiceFixed an issue wherein linking skills to Alexa failed. After the fix, users can link the skills to Alexa as expected.
3EnhancedOwletUser ServiceWe enabled HMAC support for internal calls from ICC Service to User Service.
4FixedOwletUser ServiceWe fixed an issue causing forbidden (403) error while running the update email API.
5FixedOwletUser ServiceWe fixed an issue causing unprocessable entity (422) error while running the assign label API.
6EnhancedOwletUser ServiceWith this enhancement, going forward, Ayla User Service uses AWS with Roles/Tokens-based credentials instead of AWS Access and Secret Keys.
7FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein passwords were recorded in the error logs. After this fix, passwords are not logged.
8FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein older/failed messages that didn’t have user_id were repeatedly calling log service. With this fix, we have removed unlimited retries for failed messages and allowed just one retry.
9UpgradeOwletUserServiceWe upgraded jQuery version to v3.7.0.
10FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein the is_valid API was giving wrong user role in the response.
11UpgradeOwletUserServiceWe upgraded Opentelemetry gem versions to allow download of all instruments.
12FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein apps were crashing due to change in the date format. With this fix, we reverted to the working date format.
We fixed an issue wherein the get OEM API failed (error code 401) for a user with ModuleMaker:Adminrole.
We fixed an issue wherein the provision_device API failed to verify signature.
15FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed the default logo display error in the authorization (Oauth) flow.
16EnhancedOwletUserServiceWe added debuggers to check the OAuth flow failures if any.
17EnhancedOwletUser Service
Ayla Customer dashboard
We fixed an error wherein user metadata was not displayed in the Ayla Customer dashboard.
18FixedOwletUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein after deleting a user, username verification record were not getting deleted. This fix deletes the dependent records.
19EnhancedOwletUserServiceAdded configurations to support OpenTelemetry.
Message Service
We added support to accept private key file (PEM file) in JSON format to send the FCM notifications.

We have enhanced the security of PEM files and passwords by using new algorithms.
21FixedOwletUserServiceFixed an issue wherein API to download PEM was giving wrong data in the response.
22EnhancedOwletUserServiceWe added support for APIs with XML content type.
23EnhancedOwletUserServiceWe have enhanced the security of PEM files and passwords by using new algorithms.
24EnhancedOwletApplication Service
Metering Service
Added support to monitor SMS events via metering
25FixedOwletApplication ServiceWe fixed an issue wherein inconsistent alert history messages were displayed in case of invalid phone number.
26FixedEU-fieldDatapoint Service

• We fixed an issue wherein the message property was returning wrong data.
• We fixed an issue wherein null values were returned even after the successful execution of get property datapoints API.
• We fixed an issue wherein ‘/‘ was missing while forming the URLs.
Ayla Customer DashboardWe updated the Data Export tab in Ayla Customer Dashboard to support Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
28FixedUS-fieldAyla Notification Service (ANS)Performed ANS configuration changes to resolve connectivity issues.
We added support for property updates with echo in batched datapoints.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedSharkUser ServiceAdded loggers for user account deletion, role assignment, role revocation, and for the number of failed login attempts.
Added additional loggers to get cookies data when Oauth flow breaks.
2FixedSharkUser ServiceFixed an issue wherein linking skills to Alexa failed. After the fix, users can link the skills to Alexa as expected.
3EnhancedSharkUser ServiceWe enabled HMAC support for internal calls from ICC Service to User Service.
4FixedSharkUser ServiceWe fixed an issue causing forbidden (403) error while running the update email API.
5FixedSharkUser ServiceWe fixed an issue causing unprocessable entity (422) error while running the assign label API.
6EnhancedSharkUser ServiceWith this enhancement, going forward, Ayla User Service uses AWS with Roles/Tokens-based credentials instead of AWS Access and Secret Keys.
7FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein passwords were recorded in the error logs. After this fix, passwords are not logged.
8FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein older/failed messages that didn’t have user_id were repeatedly calling log service. With this fix, we have removed unlimited retries for failed messages and allowed just one retry.
9UpgradeSharkUserServiceWe upgraded jQuery version to v3.7.0.
10FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein the is_valid API was giving wrong user role in the response.
11UpgradeSharkUserServiceWe upgraded Opentelemetry gem versions to allow download of all instruments.
12FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein apps were crashing due to change in the date format. With this fix, we reverted to the working date format.
We fixed an issue wherein the get OEM API failed (error code 401) for a user with ModuleMaker:Adminrole.
We fixed an issue wherein the provision_device API failed to verify signature.
15FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed the default logo display error in the authorization (Oauth) flow.
16EnhancedSharkUserServiceWe added debuggers to check the OAuth flow failures if any.
17EnhancedSharkUser Service
Ayla Customer dashboard
We fixed an error wherein user metadata was not displayed in the Ayla Customer dashboard.
18FixedSharkUserServiceWe fixed an issue wherein after deleting a user, username verification record were not getting deleted. This fix deletes the dependent records.
19EnhancedSharkUserServiceAdded configurations to support OpenTelemetry.
20FixedSharkUserServiceFixed an issue wherein API to download PEM was giving wrong data in the response.
21EnhancedSharkUserServiceWe added support for APIs with XML content type.
22EnhancedSharkUserServiceWe have enhanced the security of PEM files and passwords by using new algorithms.

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1FixedUS-FieldGroups and ScenesFixed an issue wherein the experiences (scenes) were not displayed on the user apps. After the fix, scenes are displayed as expected.
2EnhancementEU-FieldDatapoint ServiceWe fixed an issue causing erratic behaviours in the applications due to to-device property batch updates. With this fix, we added support for property updates with echo in batched datapoints.
ICC Staged RunIn ICC staged run, we fixed an issue that was hampering the job progress to next stages.
4FixedOwletDevice SearchWe fixed an issue wherein the result of device search by MAC address was sometimes getting timed out error.
5EnhancedOwletAyla Customer
In the App Details tab of the OEM App dialog box, we have added an option to upload a FCM PEM File. FCM PEM files are used to send the FCM notifications.
6EnhancedUS-FieldMeteringWe have added capability in Metering to run backfill jobs for past dates. The following are the major features for which this enhancement is implemented: DataPoints, SMS, Rule evaluations, Rule Execution, DataStreams, File or image I/O.