Weekly Product Release Notes

Welcome to Ayla's release notes for the Cloud, Edge, and Mobile platforms. Release Notes are published every week so that you can stay abreast of the following:

  • New feature: New features whether a major release or new functionality added to an existing feature.
  • Enhanced: Improvements to existing features or platform performance.
  • Fixed: Resolved issues with features or functionality.
  • Known issue: Known issues that are being worked on, along with workarounds when applicable.

June 09, 2023

No release notes added this week.

June 02, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
Device ServiceFixed an issue wherein unique properties API was returning incomplete unique property name. After the fix, the desired complete property name is retrieved.
User ServiceThis enhancement allows OEM customers to use their own custom URLs in emails for account confirmation and resetting password.
User ServiceThis enhancement will improve the end-user experience by allowing OEMs to use Device Name instead of DSN in device share email.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

May 26, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
Ayla Message ServiceWe added support to enter priority and lifespan/time-to-live (ttl) attributes in push notifications for Android (FCM) and iPhones (APNs). Please refer Create Destination.
ICC ServiceWe have enabled Data Search API to search devices.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

May 19, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
Ayla Message ServiceEffective June 1, 2023, international long codes are not allowed in the UK. To adhere to these regulatory changes, we have enabled the alphanumeric sender ID “NOTIFIER” to send messages (SMS) to the UK.
Insights - TransactionsSMS transaction counts are added in the Transactions tab of the Insights dashboard.
Device ServiceFixed an issue wherein template association with device failed due to duplicate schedules.
4EnhancedShark-FieldICC Service
OTA Service
We have optimized the ICC OTA job success rate by prioritizing online devices for the updates.
Ayla Message ServiceFixed an issue wherein Get destinations API result was displayed in ascending order instead of descending order. After the fix, by default the result is displayed in descending order.
Rules ServiceFixed an issue wherein Get actions API was producing error when “is_internal= true” and “paginated=true”. Also, now by default the API result is displayed in descending order.
7Best practicesUS-Field
Rules ServiceFor Get actions and Get rules APIs, the response parameter “totalPages” is changed to “total_pages”.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

May 12, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
ICC Service
OTA Service
We have optimized the ICC OTA job success rate by prioritizing online devices for the updates.
Ayla Message ServiceAdditional phone number validations are added to identify invalid phone numbers.
Insights - TransactionsSMS transaction counts are added in the Transactions tab of the Insights dashboard.
Ayla Message ServiceEffective June 1, 2023, international long codes are not allowed in the UK. To adhere to these regulatory changes, we have enabled the alphanumeric sender ID “NOTIFIER” to send messages (SMS) to the UK.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

May 05, 2023

Cloud Platform

No release notes added this week.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

April 28, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1FixedEU-FieldAyla Device ServiceFixed an issue wherein incorrect logs were displayed.
Ayla Message ServiceEffective April 25, 2023, dynamic Alphanumeric Sender IDs are not allowed in Australia. To adhere to these regulatory changes, we have enabled the registered alphanumeric sender ID “NOTIFIER” to send messages (SMS) to Australia.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

April 21, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedShark-FieldDynamic Firebase LinkingThis enhancement will allow OEMs to customize the Account confirmation page by providing their own success URL. With this, end-users will be redirected to the OEM provided page instead of the default success page provided by Ayla.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

April 14, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
Ayla Message Service (AMS)This enhancement enables AMS to validate Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate of OEM applications before sending push notifications. An appropriate alert (in Alert History) is generated if APNs certificate is expired or unavailable for your application. Based on this alert you can take the required action (for example: renew certificate).
AMSFor the Get Destinations API, we updated the response body by adding new parameter “totalPages”. This parameter provides total number of pages generated when you run this API.
AMSFixed an issue wherein Alert History was wrongly showing that the Push Notifications were delivered even when the notifications were not delivered due to unavailability/expiry of APNs certificate.
Dynamic Firebase LinkingThis enhancement will allow OEMs to customize the Account confirmation page by providing their own success URL. With this, end-users will be redirected to the OEM provided page instead of the default success page provided by Ayla.
5FixedUS-FieldAyla Device ServiceFixed an issue wherein associating templates with devices was failing because of duplicate schedules.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

April 7, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
Dynamic Firebase LinkingThis enhancement will allow OEMs to customize the Account confirmation page by providing their own success URL. With this, end-users will be redirected to the OEM provided page instead of the default success page provided by Ayla.
IoT Command Center (ICC)Fixed an issue in Ayla Module OTA job in which the filter was sometimes failing to return devices if the “from version” was provided.
IoT Command Center (ICC)Fixed an issue related to File Transfer Job, wherein the job was getting stopped without showing an appropriate status.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

March 31, 2023

Cloud Platform

No release notes added this week.

Edge Platform

Ayla Device Agent 1.7.3 release for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.1.2

Release typeFeatureSummary
1FixedConnectivityThis release removes the web page and redirect URLs emitted by the device in response to captive portal detection by iOS.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

March 24, 2023

Cloud Platform

No release notes added this week.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

March 17, 2023

Cloud Platform

No release notes added this week.

Edge Platform

Ayla Device Agent 3.0 for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.4.2.

Release typeFeatureSummary
1New FeatureMQTTThis is a major release of the Integrated Agent (ADA 3.0) to add MQTT support. For more information, please refer Integrated Agent v3.0.

Note that the devices which used ada-1.x will have their configuration upgraded without disturbing the old configuration. Changes in the configuration made after the upgrade will not be seen after a downgrade back to 1.x.
2Disabled FeatureMessage PropertiesMessage properties are not supported in the current version (ADA 3.0) of the Integrated Agent.

Support for the message properties will be announced in the future release notes.
###Mobile Platform No release notes added this week.

March 10, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
US Field
Groups and Scenes
Fixed an issue wherein a few of the Scenes/Schedules records were not getting updated.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

March 3, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
SRSSAdded validations to Sunrise/Sunset (SRSS) with OFFSET changes. With this feature enhancement, appropriate error messages are displayed when Sunrise/Sunset with OFFSET value does not follow the allowed format: "HH:MM:SS before/after sunrise/sunset".
Groups and ScenesAdded script to update the experience to local time such that the experience will trigger at the same time after the Daylight Saving Time (DST) change.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this week.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this week.

February 28, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1FixedUS-DevDatapoints APIFixed an issue wherein the groups/{group_id}/datapoints.json API was converting the property data type integer to strings. With this fix, the datatype mismatch is eliminated.
2EnhancedAllUser Service APIsGET //users* APIs are redesigned to improve performance.
US field
User ServiceSupported role update of SSO users.
4EnhancedAllUser ServiceImproved logging for error scenarios for POST/GET /refresh_token API by adding specific error code and message. This helps in faster RCA and troubleshooting.
5FixedAllImage ServiceFixed an issue wherein, AIS log output were not seen in standard output (console).
US field
EU field
Shark field
ICC ServiceEnabled end-user to check and perform OTA updates through apps.

Edge Platform

No release notes added this month.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this month.

January 31, 2023

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1FixedUS-DevDevice serviceFixed an issue wherein Product Name was not updated when a device firmware is updated to a new template containing a different product name.
US field
EU field
ICC service
OTA service
You can now use Image_ID instead of target_version to map an image with OTA job.
US field
EU field
Message serviceEnhancement is done to display appropriate error messages when account confirmation (authToken) related errors occur.
US field
EU field
Message serviceSubconsumer implementation changes are performed for ams-kinesis, sms, email and push components to enhance the partitions.
5FixedUS fieldDevice service
User service
Fixed an issue wherein, duplicate account was created with a user email. The fix does not allow creation of duplicate account for the same OEM.
6EnhanceAllUser serviceCustom error message is displayed when account confirmation fails.
7User serviceAdded loggers to debug ESSO.
8EnhancedAllUser service APIsWhen email is updated by a user or an adminstrator, update user's username to the value of email if the user's primary contact is 'email'.
9FixedAll (expect Owlet field)User ServiceFixed an issue wherein, user-audit-log was reprocessing the same messages over and over.
10FixedUser serviceFixed an issue wherein, log output were not seen in standard output (console).

Edge Platform

Ayla Production Agent 1.2
This release notes is for ESP32-C3-Mini1 and ESP32-C3-WROOM-02 modules. It supports unmodified host MCU applications using UART mode and host_lib 2.1 or later versions.

Release typeFeatureSummary
1New featureBased on ADA-1.12.2
2New featureOEM configEnable configuration by OEM after module provisioning. Added "conf load" CLI for oem_config script.
3FixedLogFixed host OTA issue with sending host version on reboot message.
4FixedOTA imageFixed an issue wherein, host OTA fails after invalid image download.
5FixedHost protocolFixed an issue wherein, APA doesn't send {Wi-Fi history change on the module} to the host, preventing <demo: connected> MCU logging.
BLE pairing
Fixed an issue wherein, ESP32-C3 devices aren’t able to support pairing without bonding on ESP-IDF 4.3.2 and earlier so pairing is configured to persist bonds. This is fixed in ESP-IDF v4.4
7FixedESP platformFixed an issue wherein, release app package does not set all release security eFuses.
Fixed - Wi-Fi times out during initial join

Mobile Platform

Following are the v6.9.2 release for Android:

Release typeFeatureSummary
1EnhancedDevice informationAdded fetchDeviceDetailsWithDSN() API to update device object in DeviceManager.
2EnhancedVirtual Remote DeviceUpdated AylaDevice.getDeviceType() to support Virtual Remote Device type.
3EnhancedGroups and ScenesAdded utility methods in DateUtils to support GSS date conversions.
4EnhancedSchedulesAdded _parameterStartDateAsString() _methods in AylaSchedule.
5Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1 patch 1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4, AGP 7.3.1
1New featureUIUI/UX improvements are done to achieve consistency with Aura for iOS.
2EnhancedGroups and Scenes
Added full Groups & Scenes CRUD support. Available from the drawer menu.
3FixedMemory managementFixed static analysis warnings, and memory leaks

  • Built using Android_AylaSDK_Public v6.9.02

  • Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1 patch 1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4, AGP 7.3.1

1EnhancedPush NotificationsUpdated default value of allowPushNotificationsAcrossPhones to true.

  • Added favorite home screen support for Groups, Rooms, Scenes, and Devices.

  • Added screen background gradient and image support.

  • Modified icon selection adapter for reusing when creating a group screen.

  • Updated _SimpleListAdapter.setColo_r adapter to support color for non-selected items.

  • Modified icons SimpleListAdapter to display proper icon background color

3EnhancedUIAdded maxFavoriteItemsLimit() to config. Default value is four.
4EnhancedGroupsUpdated GroupControlUtil class to support triggering room devices.
5EnhancedAdded SortDeviceList() and DeviceListComparator() to SepiaActivity.

  • Built with Android_AylaSDK_Public & Android_Sepia_Public v6.9.02

  • Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1 patch 1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4, AGP 7.3.1

1EnhancedLocal sunrise and sunsetAdded SRSS Offset support in Routine Schedules.
2Enhanced"About" screen framework versionFixed "About" screen Framework version to use the framework instead of the app version.
3EnhancedScene SchedulesUpdated default values for Scene Schedules. UTC is set to false and active to true.

  • Added favorite home screen support for Groups, Rooms, Scenes, and Devices.

  • Added screen background gradient and image support.

  • Added icons to group screens.

  • Replaced bottom tabs view with NavigationView.

  • Improved the readability of Routine scheduling text.

5FixedUI/UXFixed dark mode text color issue in ForgotPassword screen.
6FixedFixed NPE crash when smart strip outlet names do not exist in the metadata.

  • Built with Android_AylaSDK_Public & Android_Sepia_Public v6.9.02

  • Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1 patch 1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4, AGP 7.3.1

Following are the v6.9.2 release for iOS:

Release typeFeatureSummary
1FixedGroups and ScenesFixed AylaCollectionManager resume issues.
2FixedGroups and ScenesFixed an issue wherein AylaCollection change listener did not notify collection attributes value changes.
With this fix the listener works as expected .
3Built using Xcode 14.2 on macOS 13.0.1
1New featureGroups and ScenesAdded support for Groups and Scenes.
2FixedDevice informationFixed an issue wherein after renaming a device, the new name did not match with the same device name in other platform.
With this fix, the new name of the device matched with other platform.
3EnhancedDevice alerts

  • Added factory reset confirmation alert.

  • Added confirmation alert to remove device location info.

4EnhancedDevice shareShare screen enhanced with altered share operations
5FixedDevice information
  • Optimized device connection status in device detail screen and device info screen

  • Fixed signal strength based RSSI and LAN Mode supported values in device info screen
6EnhancedDevice informationAdded device type in device info screen.
7EnhancedFile logAdded file log level in settings screen.
8FixedRulesFixed rules display with rule expression
9FixedRulesFixed an issue wherein rule was not getting created when user profile doesn't contain country code and phone number.
  • Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public v6.9.2
  • Built using Xcode 14.2 on macOS 13.0.1

1EnhancedPush notificationsEnabled push notifications across phones by default.
2EnhancedProvided API access level to sepia framework onboarding APIs
3EnhancedUI/UXOptimized screens reloading across the framework
4EnhancedConfigurationAdded maxFavoriteItemsLimit() to config: default is four.
5FixedPlatformFixed warnings and updated deprecated APIs.
  • Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & iOS_Sepia_Public v6.9.2

  • Built using Xcode 14.2 on macOS 13.0.1

1EnhancedUIAdded favorite home screen support for Groups, Rooms, Scenes, and Devices.
2EnhancedUI/UXAdded support for Manage Favorites.
3EnhancedUI/UXAdded new background gradient color and background image app wide support.
4EnhancedSchedules - Local sunrise and sunsetAdded SRSS Offset support in Routine Schedules.
5EnhancedUXImproved the readability of Routine scheduling text
  • Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & iOS_Sepia_Public v6.9.2
  • Built using Xcode 14.2 on macOS 13.0.1

December 31, 2022

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1FixedUS-DevDevice serviceFixed an issue wherein Product Name was not updated when a device firmware is updated to a new template containing a different product name.
2FixedUS-DevADSFixed an issue related to slow queries from ADS.
US field
EU field
Data SearchFixed a bug in Elasticsearch for new devices.
US field
EU field
Shark field
Edge service
Log service
Performed improvements in log service to collect the logs from mobile in cloud.
5EnhancedUS-DevICC ServiceFor creating/updating the ICC filter, OEM model is made as an optional field.
6EnhancedUS field
Shark field
Rules ServicePerformed query optimization for Rules DB.
7EnhancedRules serviceUser cache disabled.
8FixedEtisalatBulk rule APIRule creation fixes.
9EnhancedRule serviceEnhancements are done to throw error when maximum rules per user limit is reached.

Edge Platform

The following are Ayla Device Agent 1.12.1 Release Notes for ADA and ADW for all platforms:

Release typeFeatureSummary
1FixedESP32/C3Fixed an issue wherein, after provision following OATS configuration properties were not posted to the cloud till after the reset.
2FixedESP32/C3Fixed an issue wherein the subsequent BLE connection terminates the active BLE connection.
3EnhancedESP ImprovementsUpdates to support ESP-IDF v4.3.4.

Mobile Platform

No release notes added this month.

November 30, 2022

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedAllICC JobsIssue: When the devices in ICC job are stuck in “Queued” state for time more than the defined device expiry threshold, OTA scheduler initiates to mark these devices as FAILED with the failure reason including the time interval of the stuck devices. The format of the time interval is not very user intuitive.

Solution: Enhancements were done to improve the time interval format.
  • Fixed the PMD violations for OTA.

  • Fixed an issue of incorrect device threshold count. After this fix, the devices stuck in the “Queued” state get processed.

  • Enabled readiness/liveness probe to ensure high service availability.

  • 3New featureEtisalat DevDevice Service - Remote Virtual Device (RVD)Added Remote Virtual Device (RVD) support.
    4EnhancedAllKafka subconsumer integrated with ams-ehub.
    5EnhancedUS Field
    EU Field
    Shark field
    LoggingThe logs in Ayla Message Service (AMS) are enhanced to add all the following details in the log:
    OEM id, App Id, eventuuid, date_of_expiry
    6FixedAllAMS, ADS, RulesForward profile is disabled since implementation/QA is work-in-progress. The working release will be announced in future release notes.
    7FixedAllUser Service
    api/v1/audit/logs is enabled to use hmac token instead of auth_token. This solves auth failure issues and reposting of failed messages.
    8New featureAllRVDAdded support for Remote Virtual Device (RVD) and other minor fixes.
    9FixedAllData SearchIssue: Few datapoints were not getting updated in the elastic search.
    Solution: Fine-tuned filter for Kafka events (Datapoint and version event)
    10FixedAllData Search
  • Fixed HTTPS connection issue.

  • Fine-tuned Kafka config (reduced idleBetweenPolls).

  • Kafka host dsplistener updated for performance test.

  • Fine-tuned Kafka and elastic search configurations based on performance tests.

  • 11FixedAllUser ServiceFixed an issue wherein logs were not printed to STDOUT.
    With this fix, now the logs will be returned to STDOUT and user PII data is removed.
    12EnhancedAllImage ServiceImplemented metering for Rest API Call
    13EnhancedAllEdge ServiceSynchronous call were converted to asynchronous calls to improve the boot up performance.
    14EnhancedUS-DevICC ServiceWhen creating ICC filters, “OEM Model” parameter is made optional. This is supported only for whitelisted OEMs.
    Elastic device search is enabled for TechniColor.
    15EnhancedAllICC ServiceEnabled readiness/liveness probe to ensure high service availability.
    16FixedAllICC ServiceFixed an issue wherein unwanted devices were getting added in a job when the job is updated after the creation, and the filter criteria is missed.
    17FixedAllDevice mobile log serviceUpdated Log service to use HMAC authentication for failed audit processing logs
    18EnhancedUS-DevAyla Developer PortalAdded 'Remote' type to Template types.
    19FixedUS-DevAyla Developer PortalFixed an issue wherein “Invalid value” error message was displayed while adding metadata to a device file property.
    20FixedRule serviceDid code fix to resolve the issue wherein deleted destinations had duplicate destinations. The solution deletes destinations by uuid instead id.
    21EnhancedUS fieldRule servicedbcache is enabled for findActionTypeByName to avoid (DB calls) querying action_type table every time we create/update an action/rule.
    22FixedRule serviceImplemented a fix for cron service method findDeletedDestinations to improve performance.
    23FixedUS field
    EU field
    OEM DashboardFixed an issue wherein incorrect from_version attribute was sent during ICC Job Create and Update.

    Edge Platform

    No release notes added this month.

    Mobile Platform

    No release notes added this month.

    October 31, 2022

    Cloud Platform

    Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
    1FixedAllOTA ImageIssue:
    When a Host OTA image with Ayla model dependency is selected in a job, it is expected the filter should be included with check for devices with Ayla Model and version as present in the image.

    Solution: Ayla Module model and version is passed to the ICC Job, this helps in picking the right OTA Image.
    2EnhancedAllDatabase prerequisite setupThe Liquibase setup for OTA is made configurable in the application configuration.
  • Allowed to conduct Ayla Module OTAs using ICC.
  • Added enhancements to leverage ICC Host OTA features such as Continuous OTA, Retries, Filters, Schedules, etc. to ease the management of Module OTAs.
  • 4FixedAllDevice Service APIOptimized get_values API call for performance.
    5Data SearchUpdated config for datasearch.
    Destination admin APIFixed an issue wherein Delete Destination admin API was failing with code: "AMS-424
    7FixedAllAuthenticationFixed an issue wherein null topics were not sent to SNS. As a solution, added a check to filter out the null token.
    8EnhancedAllUser Service - APIOn saving a user, username field is updated with the email if primary_contact is email.
    9EnhancedAllGSSAdded data limits at OEM level to ensure user does not create unlimited data.User is allowed to specify Scene schedules for device actions as an offset in number of minutes before or after sunrise or sunset.
    10EnhancedAllEdge ServiceRebuilt Edge Service with the new OpenJDK image
    11EnhancedUS field
    EU field
    OEM Dashboard
  • Added support to multiple URIs in OAuth app.
  • Enabled SMTP setting for Ayla::Admin Ayla::Staff OEM::Admin OEM::SupportManager OEM::SupportEngineer OEM::Staff roles
  • 12FixedUS fieldRule serviceFixed an issue wherein Rules RMS gets overwhelmed when the Shark OEM cleanup job is deleting old users.
    The fix increased the efficiency.
    13FixedUS field
    EU field
    Shark field
    OWL field
    OEM Dashboard- SMTP SettingsResolved SMTP add/modify UI issue.

    Edge Platform

    Ayla Production Agent with HomeKit version 2.6.20 is now available for the AMPAK 750GN module with the following changes:

    Release typeFeatureSummary
    1FixedConnectionIssue: the device connection aborted after 40 minutes.
    2FixedSession managementIssue: allow multiple sessions with the same controller ID.
    3FixedIssue: client gets kAuthenticationErr every 2 hours or so.
    4FixedSecurityFrom this release, TLS 1.0 and TLS1.1 are not supported in Production Agent.
    5EnhancedConnectivityAdded TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) extension to “Client Hello” message.

    Ayla Device Agent 1.13 and ADW Release Notes for all platforms are as follows:

    The following are the ESP changes:

    Release typeFeatureSummary
    1EnhancedBuildAllowed creating build of the app in workspace without copying over the top of the ESP-IDF.
    2EnhancedUpdate from ESP-IDF v4.3.2 to ESP-IDF v4.4.2.
    3EnhancedModified the pin assignments to free up the JTAG pins so they are available for GDB debug without changing the app code.
    ADA ESP32 demo, AylaDevKit: moved LEDs away from JTAG pins.

    The following are the ESP32-S3 changes:

    Release typeFeatureSummary
    1New featureAdded support for ESP32-S3.
    2New featureModified Makefile to support multi-chip platforms at the same time.

    Mobile Platform

    Following are the v6.9.1 release for Android:

    Release typeFeatureSummary
    1EnhancedIn SDK, Aura, AMAP, Foundry, and FastTrack, the changes are as follows:

  • Added support for Android 13.

  • Upgraded Gradle to 7.4 and AGP to 7.3.0

  • Upgraded targetSdkVersion to 33 (Android 13) and minSdkVersion to 27 (Android 8.1 Oreo) in Gradle.

  • Updated dependency libraries versions.

  • Added new permissions NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES & POST_NOTIFICATIONS to support Android 13.

  • Replaced deprecated Android API calls with current APIs.

  • Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1, Java 11.

  • 2EnhancedAura app is built using Android_AylaSDK_Public v6.9.01
    3EnhancedFoundry and FastTrack apps are built using Android_AylaSDK_Public & Android_Sepia_Public v6.9.01
    4EnhancedPush NotificationsIn FastTrack, enhancement is done to stop sending any push notifications to a phone on the account.
    5FixedRoutine user interfaceIn FastTrack, Fixed routine recurrence update issue from context menu in routine details screen.
    6EnhancedNotifications SettingIn FastTrack, added new Notifications Setting page.

    Following are the v6.9.1 release for iOS:

    Release typeFeatureSummary
    1EnhancedIn SDK, Aura, AMAP, Foundry, and FastTrack, the following changes are done:

    • Added support for iOS 16

    • Bumped minimum deployment target to iOS 14.0

    • Built using Xcode 14.0.1 on macOS 12.6

      2EnhancedOn boardingIn SDK, improved secure setup mode onboarding.
      3EnhancedIn SDK, updated deprecated APIs.
      4Fixed(Best Practices)In SDK, fixed static analysis warnings & memory leaks.
      5EnhancedIn SDK, Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, updated dependency libraries to the latest versions.
      6EnhancedAdded new Notifications Setting page.
      7EnhancedIn FastTrack, enhancement is made to stop sending any push notifications to a phone on the account.
      8EnhancedAura app is built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public v6.9.1
      9EnhancedFoundry and FastTrack apps are built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & iOS_Sepia_Public v6.9.1
      10EnhancedAMAP is built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & AMAP_iOS_Core_Framework_Public v6.9.1

      September 30, 2022

      Cloud Platform

      Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
      1EnhancedAllMetering changes in OTAEnabled metering to OTA image upload and download.
      2FixedAllOTA Creation APIIssue: Incorrect OTA Image was picked up.

      Solution: “from_version” attribute is passed in the request body of Ayla Module OTA creation API.
      3FixedAllUpload Image APIIssue: Ayla Module image upload was failing with 422.

      Solution: “from_version” attribute is passed in the request body of the Upload Image API.
      4FixedUS Field
      EU Field
      Device schedulesFixed an issue wherein default schedules were missing from devices on EU and US environments.
      Added logic to delete device metadata
      5FixedAllDestination APIFixed an issue wherein the Get Destinations API’s response did not include any destinations associated with the user when the “type” parameter is not passed in request.
      After the fix, the API response fetches a list of destinations (with max limit of 100) associated with the user when the “type” is not passed in request.
      6FixedAllDestination APIFixed an issue wherein get_ams_single_destination_by_rule_uuid was fecthing multiple destinations. After the fix, a single destination is getting fetched as expected.
      7(Best Practice)AllUser ManagementAdded timestamp columns created_at and updated_at to deleted_user_infos table to trace the user delete action.
      Ayla user is locked out due to exceeding the number of allowed failed login.
      This issue is addressed by adding a log entry from the User Service to help the user.
      9EnhancedAllAyla PlatformEnhanced Ayla platform to support all AWS regions (US, Europe, Asia-Pacific ) with single skill instead of work around of duplicating the skill which impacts CX.
      (Better UX)
      AllLoggingAdded a log entry whenever any user attempts an operation (Create, Read, Update, Delete) that is beyond/outside their permissions.
      11EnhancedAllUser Service - APIEnhancements done to not allow username/email to be different in the API: /admin/users/{:id}
      US Field
      GSSFixed an issue wherein SQL queries took more time to fetch records. As a solution soft deleted records are moved to a separate backup table. From the backup table, the data older than 30 days will be deleted permanently.
      13FixedTelus fieldUser ServiceFixed an environment issue wherein it was unable to create IAM user in Telus environment.
      The issue was found when the data_export_credentials API was invoked.
      14FixedAllICC SearchEnabled checkstyle and PMD.
      15EnhancedAllICC SearchLimited the number of logs by changing log level to debug in URI check pre-handler.
      16FixedAllICC ServiceIssue: Existing validations to check the duplicate jobs has an issue where jobs across OEMs and Models were considered.
      Solution: Duplicate jobs check considers OEMs and Models.
      17FixedAllICC ServiceFirmware Model is included in the Filter Criteria.
      18New featureAllICC OTAAdded download job report API.
      19EnhancedAllICC Service - Database prerequisite setupAllowed to enable/disable Liquibase using global configuration.
      20EnhancedOWL field
      US field
      EU field
      OEM DashboardEnabled existing filter option for creating and editing host OTA job flow.
      21EnhancedUS field
      Shark field
      Insights UIIntroduced Rule Transactions UI in Transaction page.
      22FixedUS field
      Shark field
      Insights UIFixed metering payload issue that occurred while changing region name filter.
      23FixedEU fieldRule serviceFixed an issue with delete admin API for rules actions and destination.
      24EnhancedOWL fieldOEM DashboardEnabled ICC Ayla Module OTA feature.

      Edge Platform

      No release notes added this month.

      Mobile Platform

      Following are the 6.8.6 release for Android:

      Release typeFeatureSummary
      1EnhancedConnectivityImproved setting of BLE connection time during initialization.
      2EnhancedRules Based NotificationsUpdated Rules Based Notifications documentation (App Note) to include prerequisites.
      3EnhancedConnectivityAllowed Local Connection to succeed w/o specifying managed properties.
      4EnhancedLoggingAdded a log specifying the device active connection / update type.
      5Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4 & AGP 7.3.0
      1EnhancedConnectivityImproved setting of BLE connection time from the config file.
      2EnhancedUser InterfaceReplaced Facebook icon with Meta icon.
      3EnhancedSDK initializationUpdated Aura Configuration file to support more SDK initialization options. For more information, please read APP Note.
      4Built using Android_AylaSDK_Public v6.9.01

      Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4 & AGP 7.3.0
      1EnhancedUser InterfaceReplaced Facebook icon with Meta icon.
      2EnhancedUser InterfaceImproved applyTextStyle() text sizing.
      3Built with Android_AylaSDK_Public & Android_Sepia_Public v6.9.01

      Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4 & AGP 7.3.0
      1EnhancedUser InterfaceReplaced Facebook icon with Meta icon.
      2EnhancedConfigurationAdded ESP32 DevKit support to JSON config file.
      3FixedUser InterfaceFixed theming issues on switch button and fan speed controls.
      4EnhancedUser InterfaceAdded button icon color and brand color as extras.
      5EnhancedUser InterfaceUpdated header font size.
      6EnhancedChanged Support page to call OEM URL.
      7EnhancedEmail logs 'tap the title 3 times' Easter egg moved to the Support page.
      8EnhancedAuthenticationRemoved com.aylanetworks.sepia prefix from R.string.server_client_id in googleOAuthSignIn()
      9EnhancedAuthenticationSet R.string.server_client_id in FastTrack app resources will override the sepia framework default.
      10FixedFixed bottom bar NPE.
      Fixed Share devices NPE.
      Fixed NPE in Schedules.
      11EnhancedTimer improvementsAdded progress dialog in Timer.
      12FixedTimer improvementsFixed wrong timer value display issue.
      13EnhancedTimer improvementsDisabled on/off control when running
      14Built with Android_AylaSDK_Public & Android_Sepia_Public v6.9.01

      Built using Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1, Java 11, Gradle 7.4 & AGP 7.3.0
      1EnhancedUser interfaceReplaced Facebook icon with Meta icon.
      2Built using Android_AylaSDK_Public & AMAP_Android_Core_Framework_Public v6.8.06

      Built using Android Studio 2021.1.1 patch 3, Java 11, Gradle 7.2, AGP 7.1.3

      Following are the 6.8.6 release for iOS:

      Release typeFeatureSummary
      1EnhancedConnectivityAdded the ability to override default timeout values used during device connecting to AP via BLE or Wi-Fi setup.
      2EnhancedRules Based NotificationUpdated Rules Based Notifications documentation (App Note) to include prerequisites.
      3FixedRules serviceFixed DSN empty string check in Rules services.
      4Built using Xcode 13.4.1, macOS 12.5, minimum deployment target iOS 13.0
      1EnhancedConnectivityImproved setting of BLE connection time from the config file.
      2EnhancedConfigurationUpdated Aura Configuration file app note.
      3Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public v6.8.6

      Built using Xcode 13.4.1, macOS 12.5, minimum deployment target iOS 13.0
      1EnhancedConnectivityAdded support for Wi-Fi legacy onboarding flow in Sepia framework via config file.
      2EnhancedToken handlingAdded AylaSessionManager lteners to improve refresh token handling.
      3EnhancedPush notificationImproved push notifications when the app is in the foreground.
      1New featureAdded support for ESP32-C3 new Dev Kit.
      2EnhancedChanged Support page to call OEM URL.
      3EnhancedEmail logs 'tap the title 3 times' Easter egg moved to the Support page.
      4EnhancedUser interfaceImproved History screen data display.
      5EnhancedUser interfaceImproved Schedule list data display when days of the week is empty.
      6EnhancedConnectivityAdded support for Wi-Fi legacy onboarding flow in Sepia framework via config file.
      7EnhancedToken handlingAdded AylaSessionManager listeners to improve refresh token handling.
      8EnhancedPush notificationImproved push notifications when the app is in foreground.
      9Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & iOS_Sepia_Public v6.8.6

      Built using Xcode 13.4.1, macOS 12.5, minimum deployment target iOS 13.0
      1Built using iOS_AylaSDK_Public & AMAP_iOS_Core_Framework_Public v6.8.6

      Built using Xcode 13.4.1, macOS 12.5, minimum deployment target iOS 13.0

      August 31, 2022

      Cloud Platform

      Release typeEnvironment(s)FeatureSummary
      1New featureAllIoT Command Center SearchAdded OTA support for "Node" type Devices.
      2EnhancedAllIoT Command Center Service
      • For Host OTA and Ayla Module OTA, enabled Retry Mechanism for the devices stuck in Processing(Downloaded) state.

      • Added ICC implementation to switch between DSAPI and ICC search.

      • Job Search API – Enhanced search options to filter out the jobs based on a specific criteria.

      • Filter Search API - Enhanced search options to filter out the ICC filters based on a specific criteria.

      • Included support for adding Failures in Job Report for File Transfer Job.
      3EnhancedUS-FieldIoT Command Center ServiceAdded "Select Existing Filter" option in Multi-Component OTA.
      4FixedAllIoT Command Center ServiceThe following bugs are fixed:
      • OTA attributes of a started/running job was allowed to be edited.

      • Job report tab for a selected job was hidden even though job was already started.

      • Express Job flow issue to start the OTA.
      5FixedAllIoT Command Center Service
      OTA Service
      Fixed s3 Pre-Signed URL to use custom domain for both US and EU Regions with sigV2 in US and sigV4 in EU Region.
      6FixedAllOTA ServiceIssue: The version name format of old images does not match the currently imposed version format from ICC/OTA2.0.
      Solution: Disabled version name semantic check during migration.
      7New featureAllRule serviceAdded debug flag to logger in rules-res.
      8New featureAllRule ServiceAdded Subscriber based rule notification feature:
      • OEM Admin can create customizable OEM-wide Standard Notifications for the end-users.

      • Supports multi end-point Destinations: For a particular device, users (end-users or OEM users) will be able to create Notifications such that multiple destinations/end-points can be notified.

      • Condition-based Destinations: This allows creation of Rules based on conditions outside of device properties.

      • Alexa/Google Home: Allows creation of Rules such that Property change events are triggered only for devices that are Alexa/Google Home enabled.
      9EnhancedAllRule service - meteringEnhanced rules API to fetch rule actions by DSN and OEM.
      10FixedAllMessage serviceFixed inconsistencies in Push notification tag substitution.
      11EnhancedAllMessage serviceChanged SMS metering count from 250 to 330.
      • Altered the text from 'Online Today for all OEM Model' to 'Online Today'.

      • Updated the Online Today device count for selected "oem_model" from the filter.
        Command Center(oem dashboard)Fixed the issue wherein certain devices download the new image, but they fail to apply it.

        Solution: Provided an option to Retry the devices stuck in the Downloaded state. This is available for both Host OTAs and Ayla Module OTAs.
        14Fixedus-fieldInsightsFixed region name issue.
        15Fixedsharkue1InsightsRemoved EU-FIELD from region filter.
        InsightsImplemented SMS Metering in Transaction page.
        Command Center(oem dashboard)Implemented ICC search functionality for jobs and device filter.
        18FixedUS Field
        EU Field
        MetadataCode fix is done to delete metadata when the device is registered with another user, so that the metadata from previous user is not retained.
        19New featureUS Dev
        Device TemplateAdded new template_type: "Remote"
        20New featureAllUser Service - Role mappingAdded a new feature to do ADFS role mapping with Ayla roles.
        21FixedAllUser Service - Role mappingDid code fix to Map QT group name to Ayla role
        22FixedAllNotification ServiceFixed subscription timeout error counts issue. The solution resets the subscription timeout error counts once the system is recovered and don't see any errors for a period of one hour.
        23EnhancedAllICC Service - OEM Model MeteringImplemented metering for ICC File Transfer Job. OemModel is associated with File Transfer Job.
        24EnhancedAllICC Service
        OTA creation API
        Included from_version in Ayla Module OTA creation API.
        from_version is used to identify the image whenever there is a dependency.
        25EnhancedRule ServiceUpdated application-rms.yml
        26EnhancedEtisalatRule ServiceSNS/SQS cluster name changed

        Edge Platform

        Ayla Production Agent (APA) Release Notes: This release is for ESP32-C3-Mini1 and ESP32-C3-WROOM-02 modules. It supports unmodified host MCU applications using UART mode and host_lib 2.1.

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1New featureThe Ayla production agent (host-application) name “agent_app” is renamed to “apa”.
        2New featureOEM Application Test Service (OATS)User test mode (OEM Application Test Service) is supported in the production agent for ESP32. This provides the ability to refer device to an alternate service for testing.
        3New featureAPI endpoint securityWe have enabled Firedome support.
        4New featureDatapoint managementWe added support for datapoint acknowledgements (acks). This allows the host app to respond to new property values, confirming receipt and indicating any issues, such as out of range or invalid.
        5New featureOnboardingPush-button BLE-Wi-Fi onboarding is supported (MCU support is required).
        6New featureDatapoint managementReceiving of metadata from ADA and sending it to the MCU (to-device) is supported.
        7New featureAyla production agent“core” CLI command is supported in the Ayla production agent.
        8New featureAyla production agentAdded the ability to configure different I/O pins for UART usage.
        9FixedAyla production agentWe resolved an issue wherein server replies wrong property values while MCU requests value of all (to-device) properties if log+debug is enabled.
        10FixedAyla production agentIssue: Log messages generated by using the module without an MCU cause problems for the production scripts.
        Solution: Hold off (10 sec or more) logging error messages if no MCU is present.
        We resolved an issue wherein the module crashed when the MCU (STM32) reports the property.
        11FixedAyla production agentWe resolved an issue wherein APA sending string property resulted in corrupted data to LAN client (mobile app).
        12FixedAyla production agentWe resolved an issue wherein Blue_LED=1 from the cloud was not echoed to the mobile client(s).
        13FixedModuleWe resolved an issue wherein the module crashes after Green_LED is set to 0 in LAN Mode.

        Release 1.12: Ayla Device Agent 1.12 release for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.3.2 includes the following:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1FixedOTAAdded support for multi-component OTA labels
        2FixedConnectivityFixed the following issue:
        * APA property update from cloud not echoed to LAN client

        Release 1.11: Ayla Device Agent 1.11 release for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.3.2 includes the following:

        Release type
        1New featureOATSAdded ability to refer device to an alternate service for testing (OEM Application Test Service (OATS)).
        2New featureName of the client state is now shown in logs and client CLI. This helps in problem diagnosis.
        3FixedADAWe resolved an issue in which the file property “stream_up” failed to complete due to LAN connection failure.
        4FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein sunset time shifted by around 2 hours every day since March 30th, 2022. This happens twice a year for some locations.
        5FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein server replies wrong property values while MCU requests value of all (to-device) properties if log+debug is enabled.
        6FixedADAWe resolved an issue in loading a selected server region. Solution involves loading server region from config at startup.
        7FixedADAIssue: config log item not found log was reported as error.
        Solution: This issue was resolved by removing debug log message on config item not found
        8FixedADAWe resolved potential encryption problem (LAN OTA crypto issue) with DSNs less than 15 characters.
        9FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein device kept crashing on the assert.
        With this fix, the device will recover if the issue occurs.
        10FixedADA LAN OTAWe resolved an issue wherein datapoint ACKs are not sent to the LAN client (mobile app).
        11FixedADA LANWe fixed the issue wherein the client hangs after file property PUT connection closed by server.

        The following are for ESP32 and ESP32C3:

        1New featureBLEAdded support for Wi-Fi onboarding with push-button (start via host app API).
        2New featureADAIncluded support for OATS CLI "id" commands.
        3New featureADAAdded the ability to capture the logs from ESP-IDF with the ADA logs. This will help by having consistent timestamps on the logs, and allows them to be sent to the cloud along with other logs.
        4FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein CLI command "core erase" caused esp_core_dump_flash error on reset.
        5FixedADAWe resolved an error wherein device crashes after the and options are disabled from the dashboard.
        6FixedADAWe fixed the issue wherein the connection "mbedtls_ssl_setup returned -0x7f00" failed to open.
        This fix improves memory allocation for TLS.
        7FixedADA BLEWe resolved an issue wherein persisted items (includes pairing information) were not cleared on factory reset without BLE Local Control.
        8FixedADA LANIssue: During the LAN-mode session, some events were logged twice with the same time stamp.
        Solution: Defined correct locking around logs.
        9FixedADAWe resolved crashing issue in newlib vprintf if logs enabled with low memory.
        10FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein buffer alloc failure leaves LAN in wrong state.
        11FixedADAWe fixed the issue wherein the client hangs after ada_sprop_file_start_recv alloc failure (low memory issue).
        12FixedADAWe resolved an issue wherein client hangs after mobile sets property using LAN (low memory issue).
        13FixedADAFixed allocation-related problems by updating sdkconfig to support reduction of stack sizes.
        14FixedADAResolved the issue of assert in local_control during BLE provisioning. (low memory issue).
        15FixedADA BLEWe resolved an issue wherein BLE stays up for 5 minutes after boot even if Wi-Fi provisioning is completed using AP mode or any another means.
        16FixedADA BLEWe resolved an issue wherein BLE persisted items were not cleared by reset factory.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.8.5 release for iOS:

        release typeFeatureSummary
        1FixedConnectivity managementIn SDK, added config flag to address an issue wherein BLE Local Connect code executes even when BLE local connect feature is not used by the App.
        2FixedScenesIn SDK, changed Collection isActive property datatype to boolean from NSNumber

        • Added more Scenes unit test cases to exercise enable and disable.

        3FixedUser interfaceIn Aura, FastTrack, AMAP, and Foundry, modified Facebook icon to Meta icon for social login.
        4EnhancedUser interfaceIn Foundry, enhanced onboarding error pop-ups with hints.
        5EnhancedUser interfaceIn Foundry, fixed schedule screen title issue for creating and editing schedules.

        Following are the 6.8.5 release for Android:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1EnhancedBLE Connectivity managementDelay Bluetooth permissions request in the mobile SDK and apps until required for Android 12.
        2EnhancedIn SDK, improved unit tests for Collection class breadth and depth performance.
        3FixedUser interfaceIn Foundry, fixed NPE if dark mode theme is omitted from the json configuration file.
        4FixedUser interfaceIn Foundry, fixed some graphic assets not loading on package name change.
        5FixedUser interfaceIn FastTrack and Foundry, fixed theme colors not reflected in dialogs

        • fixed Contact Us link on device offline help screen

        • fixed status bar text not visible in light theme

        6FixedIn FastTrack and Foundry, fixed crash when repeatedly launching the bar code scanner.
        7FixedUser interfaceIn FastTrack,

        • fixed theme colors not reflected in dialogs

        • fixed Contact Us link on device offline help screen

        • fixed status bar text not visible in light theme.

        8FixedIn FastTrack, fixed device detail page new product image not displayed issue.
        9FixedIn FastTrack, fixed some graphic assets not loading on package name change.

        Following are the 6.8.4 release for iOS:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1EnhancedDevice lifecycleIn SDK, modified registerDevice method to support AP Mode w/o a DSN.
        Note: it is recommended to always include the DSN.
        2FixedDevice sharesIn SDK, FastTrack, and Foundry, improved handling of owned/received shares when user profile is nil.
        3New featureDevice lifecycleIn SDK, added new factoryResetWithForce() API to improve user experience for removing a user device.
        • All new apps should use this over the existing factoryReset() API.

        • Will only send factory reset to the device if it is online, unless force param is true.

        4EnhancedConnectivity managementIn SDK, Aura, and Foundry, applied network reachability flow best practices.
        5FixedConnectivity managementIn SDK, Aura, and Foundry, added
        listener -> StartMonitorNetworkChange -> ObserveNetworkChange -> Remove listener.
        6EnhabcedApp configurationIn Foundry, enhanced support for multiple models and oemModels in json config file.
        7New featureDevice configurationIn Foundry, added support for new air purifier device integration.
        8EnhancedControlsIn Foundry, added extras to the Action Class to create linked property actions with a single control.
        9EnhancedApp lifecycleIn Foundry, provided provision to override restorationHandler.
        10New featureDevice supportIn FastTrack, added support for new air purifier device integration with following features:
        • New onboarding flow

        • New main control screen

        • Schedule subsystem integration

        • Timer subsystem integration

        • New Filter usage screen

        • History subsystem integration

        • New filter status notifications

        Following are the 6.8.4 release for Android:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1FixedGroups and scenesIn SDK, modified _fetchAllScenes() _to ensure only scenes are returned.
        2New featureDevice lifecycleIn SDK, added new factoryResetWithForce() API to improve user experience for removing a user device
        • All new apps should use this over the existing factoryReset() API

        • Will only send factory reset to the device if it is online, unless force param is true

        3New FeatureUser interface configurationIn Foundry,
        • added button background color to the Theme

        • enabled JavaScript for displaying URLs in a Webview

        • added hintTextColor to the Theme class

        • improved dark mode support

        4EnhancedControlsIn Foundry, added extras to the Action Class to create linked property actions with a single control.
        5EnhancedloggingIn Foundry, improved BLE setup flow debug logs.
        6New featureDevice lifecycleIn Foundry, Remove device only performs a factory reset if the device is connected to ADS.
        7EnhancedNotificationsIn Foundry,
        • improved notification handling in NotificationAdapter class

        • removed nonSepia devices from getDeviceList() in NotificationTypeList & NotificationDetails classes.

        8FixedDevice sharesIn FastTrack, fixed a crash issue in the owned shares screen when a user's account was deleted.
        9New featureDevice supportIn FastTrack, added support for new air purifier device integration with following features:
        • New onboarding flow

        • New main control screen

        • Schedule subsystem integration

        • Timer subsystem integration

        • New Filter usage screen

        • History subsystem integration

        • New filter status notifications

        Following are the 6.8.3 release for iOS:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1EnhancedGroups and ScenesIn SDK, added AylaCollectionSchedule class that includes AylaSchedule and a time_zone member.

        • DST time_zone support requires the new class for collections.

        • AylaSchedule is deprecated in collections and MUST be changed to AylaCollectionSchedule.

        2EnhancedDevelopment lifecycleIn SDK, added Apple M1 architecture unit test support.
        3EnhancedDevice lifecycleIn SDK, added intWithSSIDPrefix to support joining to a SSID identified by a prefix string.

        Following are the 6.8.3 release for Android:

        Release typeFeatureSummary
        1EnhancedApp configurationIn Aura, improved support for .auraconfig default values.
        2EnhancedApp configuration and
        User interface
        In Aura, added a description field to .auraconfig file and screen.
        3EnhancedSecurityIn Aura, the appSecret displayed on Aura configuration screen is anonymized.
        4EnhancedMetricsIn Aura, added support for Settings.metricsSampleRatio in metrics
        5EnhancedGroups and ScenesIn SDK, added AylaCollectionSchedule class that includes AylaSchedule and a time_zone member.
        • DST timezone support requires the new class for collections.

        • _AylaSchedule is deprecated in collections and MUST be changed to AylaCollectionSchedule

        6EnhancedConnectivity managementIn SDK, improved parallelization of DeviceManager initialization tasks and optimized DeviceManager for improved edge case connection switching.
        7EnhancedLAN local connectionIn SDK, Added provision to establish LAN local connection even when no managed properties are specified.
        Warning: If managed properties are not specified, no datapoint syncing will occur.
        8EnhancedLogs and metricsAdded support for metricsSampleRatioCount parameter from Aylanetworks.Settings
        9EnhancedApp configurationIn FastTrack and Foundry, added support for multiple models and oemModels in json config file.
        10EnhancedLogs and metricsIn Foundry, added metricSampleRatio to logs and metrics
        11EnhancedLogs and metricsIn FastTrack and Foundry, the default value of metricSampleRatio is set to 10.
        12FixedSchedulesIn FastTrack, added check for missing schedules and timers.
        13EnhancedDevice lifecycleIn SDK and Aura, improved error message for GATT request timeout or invalid pairing info.

        May 16, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Owlet Dev
        RulesWe are pleased to announce our release of bulk APIs available in Ayla’s Rules Service. Using bulk APIs, you can manage multiple rules/actions/destinations in a single call. For example, during the onboarding of a new device, you can create multiple notifications for the new device using fewer API calls. In keeping with effective, efficient practices, we included a check to ensure that Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations are not performed on more than 10 entries at a time for all bulk APIs. Please refer to our API Reference for more details and to try the bulk APIs.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Owlet Dev
        Command CenterWe added a new field for Specific Component OTA images, which enables you to include additional image identifiers to be used by the device when processing the OTA update. This new field is called “Label” and is on the dialog box for uploading new Host OTA images.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 9, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US DevSign InWe resolved an issue in which an error occurred when issuing the GET /api/v1/partner_tokens.json API to sign in to a partner cloud.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 2, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        Owlet Dev
        Message PropertiesWe resolved the issue with message properties in which device data that was sent as a binary message property type was corrupted when exported from Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).
        2US Field
        US Dev
        InsightsWe now support the “Online Today” count to be filtered based on the OEM Model.
        3US Field
        US Dev
        InsightsWe resolved an intermittent issue in which the page crashed when selecting the OEM Model filter.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.8.2 release for iOS:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added support for the new collections_2 API that supports different time zones, including Daylight Saving Time changes, and ensures that schedules trigger accordingly.
        2LogsWe added support for an anonymized debug log manager in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK); click here for more information on this feature.
        3MetricsIn the Ayla Software Development (SDK), we improved the ability to upload metrics using a serial versus concurrent queue policy. This helps to ensure metrics arrive to the Ayla Log Service in an ordered sequence.
        4Central Processing UnitIn this release of Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we added build support for the Apple M1 architecture.
        5Sign InFor Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we upgraded the Google Sign-In iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) to version 6.1.0.
        6User InterfaceIn Ayla Aura, we made the following improvements to the user interface:
        • The Shares screen has a cleaner look and provides more details in the list of Owned Shares and Received Shares.

        • In the header of the Device detail screen, we now specify whether the Connection Status (i.e., Online) of the App is to either to the cloud (Ayla Device Service) or the device (using LAN or BLE connect). For example, the Connection Status may show Online (App -> Device via LAN).
        7User InterfaceFor Ayla Aura, we resolved issues with the following on the user interface:
        • The Reset button on the password screen

        • The ability to select a date while sharing a device on the Device Share screen

        • The product names displayed on the Devices screen for the Device List

        • Zeroing the seconds in the time picker for schedules in the edit view of the Schedule screen
        8OnboardingIn Ayla Aura, we resolved the issue with the discovery of the Phone as a Gateway (PaaG) thermostat devices during the onboarding process.
        9OnboardingFor Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we improved location accuracy for the onboarding process.
        10User InterfaceIn Ayla FastTrack, we resolved the issue with button constraints for Sunrise/Sunset scheduling options on small screens.
        11GeofencingFor Ayla Foundry, we made the following improvements to Geofencing:
        • We added unit tests for Geofence group triggers.

        • The ability to check for location access is always available for the Geofence location.

        • The Geofence action screen refreshes after a new action is created.
        12Sign InFor Ayla Foundry, we resolved an issue in which the Sign In screen crashed when users clicked items in the Drawers menu.
        13NotificationsIn Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we resolved an issue with the method access specifier for Notification methods in the SepiaAppDelete class.
        14LoginFor Ayla Foundry, we improved the Face ID feature for logging in.
        15Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)When registering the demo board using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), you can now override the OEM model and subdevices.
        16DevicesIn Ayla FastTrack, we added support for the following device types:
        • Mono bulbs

        • LED light strips

        • Power outlets

        Following are the 6.8.02 release for Android:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added new test units and support for the new collections_2 API that supports different time zones, including Daylight Saving Time changes, and ensures that schedules trigger accordingly.
        2LogsWe added support for an anonymized debug log manager in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK); click here for more information on this feature.
        3SecurityFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we removed the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE manifest permission; it has become a no-op and is often flagged by security checks for no reason.
        4WarningsFor Ayla Aura and the Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved miscellaneous Android Studio static analysis issues.
        5Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)For the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved an issue with BleStartSession() crashes by adding the isBluetoothEnabled() check.
        6Facebook OAuthWe added the ability to save Facebook OAuth credentials in Ayla Aura by adding CachedAuthProvider() to fbNewAuthSignIn().
        7LoginIn Ayla Aura, we added navigateSignIn() after handleSignOut() to ensure that the Login screen displays after logging off.
        8User InterfaceWe improved the look of the Shares screen, which includes providing more details in the list of Owned Shares and Received Shares.
        9Dynamic Linking in EmailsFor Ayla Aura, we resolved an issue with linking to a "no active session."
        10OAuth LoginIn Ayla Aura, we added an optional OAuth login callback for Google, Facebook, Apple, and TenCent.
        11GeofencingFor Ayla Foundry, we made the following enhancements to Geofencing:
        • We added a new SepiaGeoRestartReceiver to register saved Android geofences.

        • We upgraded to the latest Android Geofence API versions and APIs.

        • We added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to the manifest, which allows the operating system to provide more accurate location details to the Android geofence class.

        • We improved the permissions for checking and handling.
        12APIWe added the setTitle() API to Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, which is used to set screen titles.
        13OnboardingIn Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we added a new style to the existing setup wizards that support the device onboarding flow. The new style is setup wizard #2 with helper methods. This replaces the existing Add Device onboarding screen with a new screen design.
        14Sepia FrameworkFor Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we added the following:
        • A new SepiaDeviceHelper that returns a SepiaDevice for given AylaDevice.

        • The ability to load a blank fragment in a sepiascreen.
        15NotificationsFor Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we added tag substitution for product device names in push notifications.
        16User InterfaceFor Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we improved theming for radio buttons and updated the Spanish translations.
        17LogsWe cleaned up the logs in Ayla Foundry and FastTrack.
        18DevicesIn Ayla FastTrack, we added support for the following device types:
        • Mono bulbs

        • LED light strips

        • Power outlets
        19Dynamic Linking in EmailsFor Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue in which an “invalid confirmation token” error occurred when the dynamic linking onboarding flow was not used.
        20SecurityFor Ayla FastTrack, we removed WRITE_CONTACTS and READ_CONTACTS permissions from the manifest; neither is being used.
        21User InterfaceFor Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue with restoring the color bulb screen.
        22User InterfaceIn Ayla FastTrack, we improved color handling on the backscreen and changed "disabledButtonBackgroundColor" to "inactiveColorDarker."

        April 25, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        Groups and ScenesWe resolved a corner-case issue in which when the user unregistered the device, the scenes were not removed, and therefore when the new user registered the same device, the scenes created by the previous user were still triggering.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        InsightsWe now support the total “Users” count to be filtered based on the OEM Model in all relevant reports.
        3US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Owlet Dev
        OEM AppsWe resolved an issue in which an error occurred when attempting to retrieve or create the SSO Provider details for an OEM app.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 18, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US FieldEnterprise SSOWe are pleased to announce our Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) feature, which allows our OEM customers to log in to the Ayla dashboards using their corporate Identity and Access Management (IAM)/SSO solution. Among several benefits, this provides:
        • OEM employees with a secure, seamless login without having to create and manage new credentials.

        • OEMs with a solution that reduces the overhead of access management for new and former employees.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        Groups and ScenesWe added the ability for a shared user in a household to trigger the count-down timer for a scene. Users configure count-down timers to specify the delay before an action takes place (e.g., turning off bedroom lights after 30 minutes).
        3US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Owlet Dev
        Owlet Field
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        DealersTo clear up confusion, we removed the option to associate an OEM user with a Dealer company from the OEM User Details tab in the Ayla Customer Dashboard. You can associate end users with Dealer companies using the End User Details tab.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 11, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        EU Field
        Hilo Field
        InsightsWe are pleased to announce Ayla’s Metering Service in the Insights dashboard, which enables you to obtain transaction counts and details for billing purposes. In this first release, we provide datapoint and data streaming transactions. When you log in to Insights, click Billing Data and then the Transactions tab to start using this new feature. There are several different views to help you understand datapoint and data streaming transaction counts incurred during a given billing period.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        InsightsTo improve stability and performance, we resolved a couple of issues related to updating reports, including optimizing load times for all pages.

        Edge Platform

        Following are for the Ayla Integrated Agent 1.10 (ada -1.10) for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.3.2:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1ESP32-C3We added support for ESPRESSIF’s ESP32-C3. Click here for a description of this microcontroller unit (MCU).
        2PropertiesWe added support for datapoint acknowledgements (acks). This allows the host app to respond to new property values, confirming receipt and indicating any issues, such as out of range or invalid.
        3PropertiesWe added support for datapoint metadata. This allows additional data to be supplied to or from the device with each datapoint. The metadata consists of up to 4 flexible key/value strings.
        4Device Property Base TypeWe added support for message properties used when sending large JSON, binary, or text datapoints to and from the device. Message properties can handle a datapoint size of 512 KB.
        5LAN EventsWe added a new LAN event called PME_LAN_STATE_CHANGE that can communicate with any event handler to indicate whether the LAN session is active or inactive and whether the key-exchange has failed.
        6LAN ConnectionWe optimized the LAN connection to detect a wrong connection earlier. With this improvement, if the mobile app tries to connect to a device that may have had the same IP address in the past, the error is detected at the initial HTTP transaction, rather than when the key exchange fails.
        7Clock SourceWe resolved an issue in which the clock_source variable was not being updated if the time last used to set the clock was around the same as the new time received from another source, making the time provided from the clock_source variable unreliable.
        8SecurityWith this release, we only support Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 to ensure the best solution to security threats. Please note that the host app must be configured to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, and to check for certificate expiration. Otherwise, the build will fail.
        9Evaluation BoardFor ESPRESSIF’s ESP32-C3-Mini evaluation board or ESP32-C3-WROOM-02 evaluation board, we added support for the WS2812B LEDs, which enable communication using a one-wire interface. There is a multicolor LED on the board, which the demo can use instead of relying on external LEDs that are needed to connect.
        10SecurityWe resolved an issue related to ensuring that sensitive data is not logged to the debug/console port.
        11Client Health CheckWe resolved an issue in which a warning and then a Watchdog abort occurred because the ESP32 Client Health Check was not enabled by default in the demo. The Client Health Check feature provides auto-recovery, which causes the system to reboot if the client cannot connect to the cloud or hangs for any reason.
        12DebuggingWe added the client CLI command for debugging purposes.
        13CLI CommandWe added the erase option to the core CLI command to provide the ability to erase core dumps.
        14LogsWe restricted the level of log messages coming from the ESP-IDF Wi-Fi subsystem to only messages of warning level or above.
        15BLE Local ControlWhen Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control is disabled for the device, the Ayla device agent will shutdown the Bluetooth (BT) controller to free up memory. If BLE Local Control is later enabled for the device via the cloud, the device must be reset to restart the BT controller.
        16ESP-IDFWe updated ESP-IDF to version 4.3.2. Please refer to Espressif’s site for the fixes in this version.
        17Demo AppWe resolved an issue in which the demo app build from the ESP32 binary embedded agent release failed to link due to missing multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) components.
        18SecurityTo ensure that expiration dates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates are checked, we now require that the build configuration option called MBEDTLS_HAVE_DATE_TIME is set in all Software Development Kit configurations (sdkconfigs).
        19CLIWe resolved an issue with software-initiated reboots (i.e., after a crash or factory reset), in which the Command Line Interface (CLI) reset was intermittently resulting in errors.
        20Clock SourceWe resolved an issue with the clock in which the time was not accurate after a software reset. With this fix, you no longer need to use the previous workaround to sync the real-time clock to the high-resolution timer before software resets.
        21BLEWe resolved an issue in which when the BLE Connect setting was disabled, crashes occurred after a factory reset if Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) was executed during the Wi-Fi setup.
        22BLE Local ControlWe resolved an issue in which the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control feature was not working because the pairing/bonding step did not complete.
        23ConnectivityWe resolved an issue in which the ESP32 C3 agent failed to establish a reliable LAN connection with Ayla Aura.
        24LogsWe resolved an issue with core-dump summaries that save log snapshots, in which it seemed like multiple log snapshots could not be recorded.
        25Clock SourceWe resolved an issue in which the clock was hours ahead of the actual time after entering the reset command or issuing a factory reset.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 4, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US FieldPropertiesWe resolved an issue in which the metadata for to-device properties was not being delivered to the device.
        2Shark FieldDevice ServiceWe improved the Ayla Device Service by removing an index and adding new indices to address potential slow queries when a spike in device usage occurs during peak hours.
        3US FieldLogsWe reduced the number of logs pushed to LogIQ to ensure all the information in multi-line log messages is captured.
        4EU Field
        Owlet Dev
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        PropertiesWe enhanced the GET API called /dp-svc/api/v1/datapoints/unfetched so that the Ayla Device Service includes metadata and the updated_at timestamp in the get command response. This allows additional data to be supplied to the device with each datapoint.
        5US FieldSchedulesWe resolved a corner-case issue in which after disabling a schedule using the mobile app, the schedule was disabled in the Cloud, but not on the device. The device therefore executed the schedule even though the schedule was no longer on the mobile app.
        6US FieldLogsWe resolved an issue in which device data logs that were sent as a binary message property type were corrupted when exported from Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) as datapoints.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 28, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US DevGroups and ScenesWe added the new collections_2 API to support different time zones, including Daylight Saving Time changes, and to ensure that schedules trigger accordingly.
        2Hilo FieldMessage ServiceWe changed the maxPollRecordsConfig setting from 125 to 25 to resolve Kafka rebalancing issues that were causing some network lag and disconnections.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 21, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Dev
        US Field
        InsightsWe resolved an issue in which the navigation panel did not display while a report was downloading on a given page.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 14, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Dev
        US Field
        EU Field
        Owlet Field
        Command CenterWe resolved the issue with cloning Set Property jobs.
        2US Dev
        US Field
        EU Field
        Owlet Field
        Command CenterBased on customer feedback, we added a column for the OEM model to the Jobs, Device Filters, and Host OTA Images tabs to make this information easily accessible.
        3US Dev
        US Field
        EU Field
        Owlet Field
        Command CenterWe improved Device query filters by providing the ability to choose from all versions available for the selected Ayla module.
        4Owlet Field
        Owlet Dev
        US Dev
        US Field
        EU Field
        NotificationsWe resolved a corner-case issue in which authentication was failing for URL-forward trigger notifications.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 7, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1EU Field
        US Field
        DevicesWe resolved a corner-case issue that occurred while unregistering a device due to invalid data in the share record.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        InsightsWe updated all the reports to clarify that “Online Today” shows the number of devices online for _all _OEM models.
        3US FieldCommand CenterWe enhanced the Job Reports tab for Set Property jobs. From this tab, you can view the devices in a Set Property job based on their job status: Succeeded, Processing, Failed, Cancelled.
        4US FieldCommand CenterFor a simple, efficient user experience, we updated the user interface for File Transfer jobs to provide the same step-by-step approach as the Host OTA and Set Property job types. We also added the Job Reports tab for File Transfer jobs, which includes the same features as the other job types.
        5US FieldDevice ConnectivityWe added the BLE Connect setting to the Available Connects tab on both the Devices and Templates pages in the Ayla Customer Dashboard. From this tab, you can enable and disable either Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or LAN (Local Area Network), depending on which connection mode is configured for the device.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        February 28, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US DevGroups and ScenesTo ensure that actions trigger per the scheduled local time, we made changes in Groups and Scenes to handle schedules affected by Daylight Savings Time.
        2US DevGroups and ScenesTo resolve a few remaining issues with certain characters, we made changes to accept all the UTF8 supported characters.
        3Owlet Dev
        Owlet Field
        Edge ServicesWe removed the edge-proxy server from Edge Services to be on par with other environments.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        February 21, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        Ayla PlatformWe made all necessary updates to ensure compatibility with Amazon Trust Services (ATS) as a Certificate Authority.
        2US DevCommand CenterWe resolved an issue in which the property value for the query filter was not displaying in the filter’s details, which are provided via the Device Filters tab.
        3US Field
        US Dev
        Ayla Dynamic Linking in EmailsWe are pleased to announce our Dynamic Linking in Emails feature, which provides your end users with a seamless experience to activating their accounts and using their connected devices. With Dynamic Linking in Emails, your end users receive hyperlinks in their confirmation email to navigate either directly to the page you chose in your app if they have it installed, or to the appropriate app store to install the app. This feature also includes a quick-and-easy option to provide a web page with your company branding for end users who are on laptops or desktops (non-mobile operating systems). Upon clicking the emailed confirmation link, the end user is directed to your web page that provides links for connecting to or downloading the app.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.8.1 release for iOS:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1BLE Local ControlFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), Aura, and Foundry, we added the new BLE Local Control platform feature, which includes a new AylaDevice listener called didUpdateBleState:error. BLE Local Control enables you to control and monitor devices using your mobile app over a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection. For configuration details, please refer to the App Note. To view this file, contact your Ayla Representative to set up an Ayla GitHub account.
        2MessagesWe added support for the V2 Messaging protocol in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK).
        3ConnectivityTo improve AylaConnectivity in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we replaced AFNetworkReachabilityManager with NWPathMonitor (NetworkPathMonitor).
        4CachingWe improved caching in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) as follows:
        • We now use NSArchiving and NSUnArchiving APIs.

        • We migrated NSCoding to NSSecureCoding.

        Please refer to the App Note for details on these changes. To view this file, contact your Ayla Representative to set up an Ayla GitHub account.
        5OnboardingFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we did the following:
        • Improved refreshing authToken when network connectivity fluctuates.

        • Improved Wi-Fi onboarding to address devices returning a 400 error (bad request).
        6LoggingWe made the following improvements related to logging in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK):
        • Added the ability to upload metric logs serially in a background queue to avoid 429 errors (which occur when the default ip_address rate limit is triggered).

        • Improved the debug console and logging information to aid in troubleshooting.
        7User Interface
        Groups and Scenes
        Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control
        In the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK):
        • NSLocalizedDescriptionKey is now used to describe NSError instead of a custom key.

        • We resolved a sharing crash in Groups and Scenes that was occuring when there was no user_profile.

        • We resolved an issue in which fetchProperties from Local Control mode was not updating the user interface.
        8OnboardingIn Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we improved the process of creating user accounts with our new Dynamic Linking in Emails feature. Please refer to the App Note for configuration information on this new feature. To view this file, contact your Ayla Representative to set up an Ayla GitHub account.
        9User InterfaceWe improved the ability to create and view datapoints with metadata on Ayla Aura’s user interface.
        10CachingFor Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we updated Archiver class methods to improve caching.
        11RulesIn Ayla Aura, we implemented Rules support to use SwiftUI (a next generation user interface) versus the existing Storyboard.
        12PropertiesIn Ayla Aura, we added String, Integer, Decimal, and Float base types to manage device properties for Ayla DevKits.
        13Test RunnerIn Ayla Aura, we added Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control mode to support Aura Test Runner.
        14LoggingIn Ayla Aura, we added a new helper method called AylaLogManager.getAppInfo, which assists in creating basic info (i.e., app version, sdk version, device model, country, build number, etc.) to add in log files or in the email body when sending email logs.
        15User InterfaceIn Ayla Aura, we now display the device name in the About screen using a Software Development Kit utility method.
        16Over-the-Air (OTA) JobsWe resolved an issue for Ayla Aura in which an error message displayed when checking OTA jobs if there was no Internet connectivity.
        17APIIn Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we resolved static analysis issues and updated deprecated APIs as well as their dependencies.
        18User InterfaceIn Ayla Foundry, we now display the title of the back button for all screens, and display the connection status in the Device Details screen for device status updates.
        19RulesIn Ayla FastTrack, we added a new Rules-based property notification for managing properties.

        Following are the 6.8.01 release for Android:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1BLE Local ControlFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Aura, we added the new BLE Local Control platform feature, which includes a new AylaDevice listener called deviceBleStateChanged. BLE Local Control enables you to control and monitor devices using your mobile app over a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection. For configuration details, please refer to the App Note.
        2OnboardingIn Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we improved the process of creating user accounts with our new Dynamic Linking in Emails feature. Please refer to the App Note for configuration information on this new feature.
        3OnboardingIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, we improved the on-boarding experience when auto-connect is disabled in Wi-Fi network settings.
        4Phone as a Gateway (PaaG)For the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack, PaaG support is now bifurcated between the application and SDK layers, making PaaG applications easier to create and support.
        5HTTP ServerIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we optimized the behavior of the HTTP server, as follows:
        • HTTPd starts upon a network change or when the Local Control LAN mode is established.

        • HTTPd pauses when the Local Control LAN mode is not active.
        6OnboardingFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we removed the authToken from the refresh token request for API consistency.
        7MetricsFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we optimized the process of creating and uploading metrics as follows:
        • Included support for complex primitives.

        • Added a sampling ratio.
        8LoggingFor Ayla Aura, we added the ability to retrieve and email device logs using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
        9OnboardingFor the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Aura, we removed the sessionManager dependency during device onboarding to support those who do not have users on their tenancy.
        10Facebook OAuthWe updated the Facebook OAuth documentation for Ayla Aura. Click here for this document. To view this file, contact your Ayla Representative to set up an Ayla GitHub account.
        11Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) / Wi-FiIn Ayla Aura and FastTrack, we resolved an issue with the BLE/Wi-Fi cancellation process.
        12DevicesIn Ayla Aura, we now display the set-up token when adding a device.
        13DevicesFor Ayla Aura, we added the ability to override the connection priority for all devices in Aylanetworks.settings.
        14ConnectivityFor Ayla Aura, we replaced AylaConnectivity listener in DevKitSetupFragment with the shared instance listener to increase reliability.
        15NotificationsFor Ayla Foundry, we added support for FastTrack notifications.
        16ConnectivityIn Ayla Foundry, we improved the retrieval and secure storage of the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) token.
        17Phone as a Gateway (PaaG)For Ayla Foundry, we removed Schedules from the PaaG Device Details menu.
        18PropertiesIn Ayla FastTrack, we added a new device property notifications feature.
        19ConnectivityIn Ayla Foundry, we improved the ability to check permissions to access the precise location for Android 12.
        20DevicesIn Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue with a device sharing crash by checking for null devices.

        February 14, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1Shark FieldDevicesWe modified the Device Authentication Service to tolerate failovers in Redis.
        2US Field
        US Dev
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        Data Streaming Service (DSS)We resolved a corner-case issue in which the monitor for Kinesis datastreams was failing with a 503 error (service unavailable).

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        February 7, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Shark Field
        User AccountWe enhanced our ability to monitor emails and any related latencies.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 31, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        NotificationsWe added the ability to provide device metrics to Ayla’s Notification Service (ANS), giving us greater flexibility in managing devices and ANS nodes to increase performance.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 24, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        EU Field
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        Data ExportWe updated the kafka.mainOffSet configuration to prevent any potential issues with data loss during data export.
        2US Dev
        EU Field
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        SecurityTo safeguard against the Log4j vulnerabilities, we made additional upgrades to Log4j 2.17.1.
        3US Field
        EU Field
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        RulesWe enabled cooperative rebalancing in the Rules Service to reduce inactivity time when scaling clusters up or down and to reduce overall latency.
        4US Field
        US Dev
        BLE Local ControlAyla’s BLE Local Control feature is now available. This feature enables you to control and monitor devices using your mobile app over a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection. Click here for more information, including configuration, benefits, and use cases.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 17, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
        1US Field
        US Dev
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        Groups and ScenesWe now support all characters when naming groups, scenes, collections, etc. (including special characters and French characters). Please note that there is a 32-character limit.
        2Shark FieldDebuggingFor efficient debugging, we implemented a device monitoring system for the round trip time of device property datapoints.
        3Owlet Field
        Owlet Dev
        SMS NotificationsWe configured Owlet environments to use Owlet’s own Twilio account when sending Short Message Service (SMS) messages.
        4US Dev
        US Field
        Shark Field
        Hilo Field
        ConnectivityWe resolved an issue in which connection_priority had a Null value instead of "LAN" for some templates and devices that had LAN enabled.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 3, 2022

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1AuthorizationWe resolved a corner-case issue with the refresh_token API method in which a 401 error occurred if the Authorization header had an expired auth_token.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        December 13, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1SecurityWe made all the necessary upgrades and changes for the Log4j security vulnerability.
        2Ayla Notification ServiceWe added the ability to debug specific devices within the Ayla Notification Service (ANS) instance, without requiring an ANS restart.
        3Groups and ScenesWe added a system to monitor whether the Scenes triggered as scheduled, and to obtain additional performance information (i.e., successes, failures, and latency alerts).

        Edge Platform

        The following are for the Ayla Integrated Agent 1.9.1 (ada -1.9.1) for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.3.1:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1ESP-IDFWe added support for the 4.3.1 version of the Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) and its latest toolchain. This requires a new build procedure as described in the ESP-IDF documentation.
        2Wi-FiWe included all Wi-Fi regions supported in Espressif ESP-IDF 4.3.1. Refer to Espressif’s documentation for the list of supported regions.
        3OnboardingWe added support for the new PUT oem_info API, which provides better feedback on template association and registration type for Wi-Fi setup.
        4File PropertiesWe resolved an issue in which after downloading a file property from the Cloud, the LAN code tried to echo this to the LAN client and was receiving errors when formatting the value.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        December 6, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterIn keeping with a simple, efficient user experience, we updated the edit workflow for Set Property jobs to be consistent with the other job types in Ayla’s IoT Command Center.
        2Groups and ScenesWe resolved a corner-case issue in which some actions in the Scene were not triggering on time after the Daylight Saving Time change.
        3Command CenterWe resolved an issue in which the Over-the-Air (OTA) commands sent to the device were not deleted after the device was marked as “Failed” and in the queued state for more than 7 days.
        4Groups and ScenesWe resolved a corner-case issue with a connection error that occurred when there were too many concurrent connections.
        5Datapoint ServiceWe resolved a slow performance issue by moving to a new message datapoint table with a Time-to-Live (TTL) configuration.

        Edge Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Production AgentWe are pleased to announce the Ayla Production Agent for the ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module. Contact Ayla Customer Success to obtain a Development Kit with this production agent. For more information on the ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module, click here to review Espressif Systems’ datasheet.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        November 29, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Device PropertiesWe resolved a corner-case issue in which the Cloud was not reflecting the property change from the device when echo was set to true (echo=true) and consequently kept returning the previous property value.

        Edge Platform

        The following was added to the 2.7.17 release of the Ayla Production Agent for USI BM-09A:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1iOS OnboardingWe resolved an onboarding issue with Ayla Aura in which after logging in from a hotspot, the page would hang and display, “Error Opening Page.”

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        November 22, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.8.0 release for Android:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary

        We upgraded to API level 31 for Android 12 in Ayla Aura, Foundry, FastTrack, and the Software Development Kit (SDK), which included upgrading minSdkVersion from API level 25 to 27 (Android 7.1x to Android 8.1). Following are examples of other improvements that were part of this upgrade.

        For the Ayla SDK, we added:

        • Permissions for BLUETOOTH_SCAN and BLUETOOTH_CONNECT.

        • Flags for PendingIntent MUTALBLE and IMMUTABLE.

        For Ayla Aura, we improved the on-boarding flow to support the new permissions requirements.

        2RulesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added support for batch rules.
        3RulesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added helper methods for rules-based notifications, and unit tests for the helper methods. These rules-based notification helper methods facilitate the following, for example:
        • Fetch rules by DSN (Device Serial Number).

        • Provide push notification support for new Android devices.

        • Delete orphaned actions.

        • Delete orphaned destinations.
        4UtilsIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added the AylaStringUtils helper class, which is used to anonymize AylaLog instances. Refer to the AylaStringsUtil - Anonymize.pdf in the AylaSDK/doc folder.
        5Facebook OAuthIn Ayla Aura, Foundry, FastTrack, and the Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved the Android issue with logging in to Ayla Aura and via WebView using Facebook credentials. This was the known issue in the 6.7.02 release for Android, which was published the week of September 27, 2021.

        For details during migration, refer to the Facebook Authentication on Android documentation in Aura/doc.

        6Wi-Fi ScanningIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved the issue with .auraconfig default initialization that was causing Wi-Fi scanning issues.
        7UtilsIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added utils.CryptoUtils for encoding and decoding strings to shared preferences. We also provided unit tests for this new CryptoUtils class.
        8OTAAyla Aura no longer checks for OTA updates when the user does not have registered devices.
        9Test RunnerIn Ayla Aura, we added a new feature to Aura Test Runner, which when a property is marked as “Acknowledged,” provides e2e latency statistics for the complete datapoint flow (that is, from the mobile to the Cloud to the device and this same flow back to the mobile).
        10GeofencingFor Ayla Foundry, we removed the EVB (evaluation board) only restriction on geofencing support, and we improved the handling of permissions for background location access.
        11User InterfaceFor Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we improved toolbar theming, and the support for the dark mode user interface (UI) theme.
        12Sepia FrameworkIn Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we resolved the issue with the version code that was returned for the Sepia framework.
        13LoginIn Ayla FastTrack, we improved the sign-in flow so that the bottom toolbar is always shown.
        14User InterfaceIn Ayla FastTrack, we optimized the color picker to provide a faster response for users.
        15OnboardingIn Ayla FastTrack, we improved the Ayla DevKit on-boarding and display support.
        16SecurityIn Ayla FastTrack, we encrypted the optional storage of Wi-Fi passwords to local preferences using aSDK.utils.CryptoUtils.
        17RulesIn Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, we resolved an issue with crashes when creating rules.

        November 15, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1LoginWe resolved the issue with logging in to Ayla Aura on Android devices using Facebook credentials.

        Edge Platform

        The following release notes are for Ayla Integrated Agent 1.6.1 (ada-1.6.1) for Espressif ESP-IDF:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1ConnectivityWe resolved a corner-case issue in which when a property update occurred at the same time as the LAN mode client disconnected, the property update to the Cloud was reported to the application as having failed even though the update succeeded.

        The following is for Ayla Integrated Agent 1.6.2 (ada-1.6.2) for Espressif ESP-IDF:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Wi-Fi ConnectionWe resolved an issue in which the output of wifi show provided a value of 56 dBm when it was actually -200 dBm (which indicates an unknown signal strength).
        2iOS OnboardingWe resolved an onboarding issue with Ayla Aura in which after logging in from a hotspot, the page would hang and display, “Error Opening Page.”
        3Wi-Fi ConnectionWe resolved an issue in which the adap_net_get_signal() was returning the incorrect value of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). The adap_net_get_signal() now uses the RSSI provided by the ESP IDF API, which is esp_wifi_sta_get_ap_info(), instead of relying on CSI (Channel State Information) messages for RSSI values.
        4DebuggingWe added support for the diag command to the ayla_demo application to facilitate debugging and optimize memory utilization.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        November 8, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Factory ActionsWe resolved a corner-case issue in which some devices had null values for the private key in the Ayla Device Service (ADS) database, causing the factory provisioning scripts to fail. Consequently, those devices failed authentication in the Cloud.

        Edge Platform

        The following release notes are for Ayla Integrated Agent 1.8 (ada 1.8) for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.1:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1BLE Local ControlThis release includes the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control feature, which provides local control and monitoring of devices by mobile applications over BLE.
        2LoggingWe added log snapshot support.
        3LoggingWe added Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) client bonding information to the log messages for debugging purposes.
        4LoggingWe now have the ability to summarize core dumps (that were not previously in the log snapshot) and then to add those summaries to the log snapshot.
        5LoggingWe added the BT command to provide Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) statistics, such as:
        • Number of bonded connections

        • Number of active connections

        • Statistics on BLE operations

        This is a CLI command that shows the current state of the Bluetooth features for debugging purposes.
        6Property ManagerWe added echo handling to prop_mgr for scheduled property updates.
        7UtilitiesWe changed to the standard implementation of snprintf.

        The following release notes are for Ayla Integrated Agent 1.8.1 (ada 1.8.1) for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.1.2:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Device ConnectivityWe added the capability to enable and disable either Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or LAN (Local Area Network), depending on which connection mode is configured for the device. These new settings are called BLE Connect and LAN Connect and are located on the Available Connects tab for the device in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        2BLE Device OnboardingWe added a timeout capability for the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) onboarding process.
        3Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local ControlWe enabled an enforcement of authentication in the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local Control feature.
        4Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local ControlTo improve debugging capabilities, we added the LAN IP key ID to the following:
        • Relevant local control log messages to facilitate debugging.

        • Authentication failure messages.

        • Log messages when generating a new Ayla randomized ID.
        5Log SnapshotWe improved the output of the log-snap command.
        6LoggingWe modified the log client to use the Ayla Device Service (ADS) connection instead of a separate connection to send logs. This eliminates a second Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection to the Cloud, thereby reducing the RAM required by the device.
        7Logging, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Local ControlWe added the connection handle to the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) characteristic read/write debug messages. This makes it easy to identify which client was responsible for each operation in the log messages when there are multiple mobile clients actively using the BLE Local Control feature.
        8Command Line Interface (CLI) DebuggingWe added the device address to the output of the BT command.
        9Integrated AgentWe resolved a corner-case issue with a recurring error that caused the Ayla Integrated Agent devices to lose connection to the Cloud.
        10Integrated AgentWe resolved an issue in which after a timeout or HTTP error, the Ayla Integrated Agent devices were requesting all to-device properties.
        11Event HandlerWe resolved an issue in which the ADS_UP event was posting twice after a reset.
        12iOS OnboardingWe resolved an onboarding issue with Ayla Aura in which after logging in from a hotspot, the page would hang and display, “Error Opening Page.”
        13Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi SetupWe resolved an issue in which when using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), the devices were accepting attempts to configure Wi-Fi even though it was already configured.
        14Security, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) OnboardingWe added Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) access control checks to onboarding processes that require a PIN code. This ensures that unauthenticated clients are prevented from connecting to and receiving notifications from the device.
        15Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)We resolved an issue in which the devices did not send the correct Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) name.
        16Integrated AgentWe added an exponential backoff algorithm to prevent the Cloud from being inundated with requests from devices when the Cloud encounters a problem that affects multiple devices.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        November 1, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe added support for Daylight Savings Time to ensure that actions continue to trigger per the settings in the schedules.

        Edge Platform

        The following release note is for the 2.11.2 release of the Ayla Production Agent:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1DevicesWe resolved an intermittent 401 error related to a corner case in which devices were randomly going offline and taking a while to recover.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 25, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.8.0 release for iOS:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Operating System SupportIn Ayla Aura, Foundry, FastTrack, and the Software Development Kit (SDK), we support Apple’s iOS 15 features, and changed the minimum version supported to iOS 13.
        2File LogsIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we made “error” the default setting for the iOS mobile app file logs, and provided an option to override this default in config/settings.
        3MetricsIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), the AppBackground and AppTerminated metric types are now part of metric sample ratio.
        4RulesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added helper methods for rules-based notifications to facilitate the following:
        • Fetch rules by DSN.

        • Push notification support for new iOS devices.

        • Delete orphaned actions.

        • Delete orphaned destinations.
        5RulesIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we renamed dssManager to dsManager and rulesEngine to rulesService for consistency among all operating systems.
        6LibraryIn the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved an issue with the Universal Static Library, and included an App Note on building and using this library.
        7User InterfaceIn Ayla Aura, FastTrack, and Foundry, we resolved an issue with the UINavigationBar background color. For Ayla Aura, we also resolved the issue with textAttributes.
        8File LogsIn Ayla Aura, FastTrack, and Foundry, the default setting for the iOS mobile app file logs is “error” when doing release builds, and the default setting is “debug” when doing Debug builds.
        9DeviceIn Ayla Aura, we now use the UIDevice.getModelName() method to get the iOS device name instead of getDeviceModel().
        10User InterfaceIn Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue with nil and index out-of-range crashes in the Timers, Schedules, and History screens.
        11File LogsFor both Ayla Foundry and FastTrack, you can now override the log level in the JSON Config file.
        12NotificationsIn Ayla Foundry, we improved configurations for device notifications as follows:
        • Moved to default configurations.

        • Changed the deviceProperties JSON object name to deviceNotifications.

        • Changed the JSON action type called on_connect to online.

        • Changed the JSON action type called on_connection_lost to offline.
        13User InterfaceIn Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue with the appearance of the UINavigationBar backbutton, and the issue in the UITableView section header for smart bulb controls, device settings, and Support screens.

        October 18, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Factory ActionsWe resolved the issues with slow queries that were affecting the performance of factory actions.
        2NotificationsWe resolved an issue in which the email subject was formatted as "0-1": "<im of c="h instead of ,
        "0-2": " of ory A
        3Data Streaming ServiceAs part of an improvement to AWS Kinesis, we added support for New Relic Application Performance Monitoring (APM) to optimize the performance of Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS).
        4NotificationsWe now have alphanumeric sender IDs for notifications sent using the Short Message Service (SMS). This is for countries that do not support numeric sender IDs.
        5NotificationsWe resolved a corner-case issue in which multiple copies of an email for the same trigger were being sent when the frequency time interval in the trigger app was exceeded due to slowness during high traffic times.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 11, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1DevicesWe optimized device authentication to increase stability and performance during surges in activity.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 4, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1RulesWe made Redis cache optional to increase the overall stability of Rules and the speed of evaluating events.
        2RulesWe added support for cooperative rebalancing, which optimizes the performance and stability of Rules.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        September 27, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe resolved a corner-case issue with Scenes in which schedules were not triggering per the specified time.
        2Command CenterFor a simple, efficient user experience, we updated the user interface for the Set Property job with the same step-by-step approach as the Host OTA job.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Following are the 6.7.2 release for iOS:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1MetricsIn the 6.7.2 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for iOS, we improved the following:
        • The Cloud Latency metric for the URL parts and to include the Device Serial Number (DSN) in the metric logs.

        • SetupMetric to include the Device Serial Number (DSN) in the metric logs.
        2MetricsFor the 6.7.2 release of Ayla's iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved an issue in which the app version number was sent to the metric logs instead of the build number.
        3MetricsIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Foundry and the Software Development Kit (SDK), metrics are enabled by default, and we added the ability to control the metric logs using the metric sample ratio feature.
        4MetricsFor the 6.7.2 release of Ayla's iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved an issue with the Cloud Latency logs in which AFNetworking 4.0.1 was not using the latest method.
        5OnboardingIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla's iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), we improved Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scanning for the set-up process.
        6RulesIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla's iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), we added the ability to create a destination object with parameters associated to each destination type (email, SMS, push).
        7SDK CoreIn the 6.7.2 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for iOS, we added the getModelName method in the UIDevice utility class, providing the ability to get the iOS device name.
        8RulesIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Aura, we resolved an intermittent issue with crashes when deleting a rule.
        9PropertiesIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, we improved integer data types to accept hexadecimal values.
        10Groups and ScenesIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Aura, we resolved issues with the settings class message and the Groups and Scenes .auraconfig URL for Ayla Cloud Services.
        11OnboardingIn FastTrack 6.7.2 for iOS, we improved unhappy path flows to enhance the Wi-Fi setup and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) process during onboarding.
        12User InterfaceAyla Foundry and FastTrack now support Spanish language in the 6.7.2 release for iOS.
        13User InterfaceIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Foundry and FastTrack for iOS, we improved the localization keys
        14Groups and ScenesIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla Foundry, we resolved the issues with intermittent crashes when the user selects a gateway from the Drawer menu.
        15User InterfaceIn Ayla Foundry 6.7.2 for iOS, we now display the build and version number on the About screen.
        16User InterfaceIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla FastTrack for iOS:
        • The device list now refreshes when a user registers or unregisters a device.

        • We improved the error messages for owned shares.
        17OnboardingIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla FastTrack for iOS, we removed the duplicate Wi-Fi Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) that appeared during the onboarding process.
        18User InterfaceIn the 6.7.2 release of Ayla FastTrack for iOS, we corrected the label on Time Zone screen, which was showing “Remove Device” as the screen name.

        Following are the 6.7.02 release for Android:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1User InterfaceAyla Foundry and FastTrack now support Spanish language in the 6.7.02 release for Android.
        2OnboardingIn FastTrack 6.7.02 for Android, we improved unhappy path flows to enhance the Wi-Fi setup and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) process during onboarding.
        In the 6.7.02 release of Ayla’s Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we added the following:
        • A new cryptography utility class that provides simple, secure storage for SharedPreferences.

        • Device rules to support IPCHANGE, ON_CONNECTION_LOST, and ON_CONNECTION_RESTORE.

        • The Device Serial Number (DSN) to the metrics core record.
        4SDK CoreIn the 6.7.02 release of Ayla’s Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we resolved the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception error in the DateUtils formatter, and the reentrancy issue causing the null pointer exception for AylaConnectivity Manager disconnect().
        5Application LifecycleIn the 6.7.02 release of Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack for Android, we upgraded compileOptions to allow JAVA 11 to be used. In the 6.7.02 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we removed the compileOptions section to allow JAVA 8 or 11 to be used.
        6SecurityIn the 6.7.02 release of Ayla Aura, Foundry, and FastTrack for Android, we added a secure root detection and alerting feature.
        7SecurityThe 6.7.02 release of Ayla Aura for Android has encryption/decryption of the Service Set Identifier (SSID) and passphrase in SharedPreferences.
        8LoginIn the 6.7.02 release of Ayla Foundry and FastTrack for Android, you can now use the BiometricManager instead of the FingerprintManager.
        9SchedulesIn Ayla FastTrack 6.7.02 for Android, the repeating timers execute every day of the week by default.
        10Facebook OAuthWe are currently working on the issue with logging in to the Android mobile app using your Facebook credentials.

        September 20, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe optimized the load time when navigating to the Job Summary, Job Report, Job Details, OTA Attributes, Filter, and Schedule pages for an OTA job.
        2RulesWe resolved a corner-case issue with the Destination API in which the action did not trigger and instead returned a null pointer exception error.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        September 13, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1RulesWe added enhancements to Rules that increase uptime and strengthen the resilience of the Ayla Cloud services.
        2RulesWe did code refactoring to improve the maintainability.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        September 6, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1OEM MigrationWe refined the options list in the Source Environment settings to include only the relevant environments for the selected target.
        2Command CenterWe improved the performance of Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs by implementing a configurable 2-hour time limit for devices to acknowledge the update command. After 2 hours, the devices that have not acknowledged the update command are marked as "Failed." Users can retry the OTA update for Failed devices from the Job Reports tab in Ayla’s IoT Command Center.
        3DevicesWe resolved an issue in which some new devices were failing the device authentication with a 401 error code.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        August 30, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1RulesWe decoupled the Data Streaming Service from the Rules Service to improve the performance of both.
        2GatewayWe optimized the load time of the Nodes page for gateway devices in the Ayla Customer Dashboard. This eliminates the delays and timeouts that were occurring.
        3UsersWe resolved an issue in which the user was not returned to the End Users page in the Ayla Customer Dashboard after clicking the Back button to decline the Access Personally Identifiable Information (PII) message.
        4UsersWe resolved an issue in which a few countries were missing from the Country drop-down lists on the Sign Up, Create End User, and Create OEM User dialog boxes in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        5Intelligent OTAWe formally deprecated the Intelligent OTA feature set in the Ayla Customer Dashboard. These OTA features have been greatly enhanced and incorporated into Ayla’s IoT Command Center.
        6RulesWe externalized configurations in the Rules Service to enable better control of latency and polling.

        Edge Platform

        The following release notes are for the 2.11.1 release of the Ayla Production Agent:

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Wi-Fi SecurityWe improved security by checking the signature on Wi-Fi firmware from external flash.
        2OnboardingWe resolved a Wi-Fi setup issue on iOS 14.x mobile devices.
        3ADA ClientWe resolved an issue in which the client stopped acknowledging any properties sent to the MCU (Microcontroller Unit) after the Ayla Cloud returned an HTTP status 500 error. This 500 error occurred when the cloud attempted to get the location for a file property.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        August 23, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue in which adding new devices to collections failed with a 422 error code.
        2LogsWe improved the logging mechanism on the mobile app.
        3Groups and ScenesWe resolved the issues that were causing errors when creating scenes, adding scenes as a child collection, and fetching any Household information (i.e., child collections or devices).
        4Groups and ScenesWe resolved the following:
        • When fetching all collections associated with the Household owner, deleted collections are no longer included in the user collections that are retrieved.

        • Guest members with sharing permissions no longer have issues accessing groups and scenes in the Household.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        August 16, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1RulesWe added the ability to temporarily suspend (for 10 minutes) HTTP GET and POST requests to unstable endpoints. This improves performance, avoiding bottlenecks and potential outages.
        2RulesWe resolved an issue in which the action for any destination type (e.g., email, push, etc.) was not triggering per the value set for the repeat frequency parameter (which defines the minimum time between triggers).
        3RulesWe improved the evaluation algorithm, which removed latencies on Ayla's Data Streaming Service (DSS) and increased the speed of evaluating events (pertaining to rules).
        4Command CenterWe resolved a corner-case issue with editing OTA attributes in Multi-Component OTA Host jobs.
        5Command CenterWe added the from_version parameter to the GET /icc/v1/jobs/{job_id API to provide additional pertinent details about the job.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        August 9, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe improved the performance of Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs by increasing the threshold for simultaneous device updates from 500 to 1000.
        2Command CenterWe added the Host Software Version to the Device List for device filters. This gives you a view of all pertinent information on the target devices for a specific filter in the same place.
        3Command CenterWe added a Cancelled status to the Job Reports tab. This shows all devices that were cancelled before receiving the OTA update.
        4Command CenterWe resolved an issue in which the job status was imprecise when upgrading a specific component on multi-component devices. Now, the status for specific-component jobs accurately provides all details on the upgraded component, including the devices that succeeded and failed.
        5Device PropertiesWe added the ability for OEMs to allow their partners to manage specific device properties in the Ayla Platform. This enables the OEM’s partners to make changes to “allowed” properties for security or performance needs.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        August 2, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe improved performance by optimizing the GET connection calls for faster queries and responses to and from the devices in a collection.
        2Command CenterFor invalid jobs, we disabled the Start, Stop, Clone, and Refresh Job Count buttons on the Jobs tab to prevent users from trying to perform these actions on those jobs.
        3Command CenterOn the Job Report tab, we provide options to remove queued devices from the OTA job and to retry the OTA update for failed devices only when there are Queued and Failed devices listed for the job.
        4Command CenterWe improved the performance of the Jobs tab by removing a duplicate call that was sent when a page was loading for the first time.
        5Device Connection StatusWe fixed an issue in which the Connection History in the Ayla Customer Dashboard was listing the online and offline statuses of the device out of order.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        July 26, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue in which the collections were associated with the device instead of the user. This was causing schedules from the collection to trigger even after the device ownership changed.
        2RulesWe added the following connectivity events to Ayla Rules to provide users with the precise connection status of their devices:
        • Online (which replaces on_connect)

        • Offline

        • IpChange (which is the original ip_change event and is triggered when a device calls GET /dsns and the IP is changed.)

        • OnConnectionLost

        • OnConnectionRestore

        • Initializing

        • PollingOnline

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1iOS SDK UtilityIn the 6.7.1 release, the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) includes the NSDictionary utility method to sort by keys and return sorted keys.
        2Local Privacy NetworkIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved a local privacy issue by enabling retries for fetching new devices upon failed attempts.
        3Device SharingIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla Aura, we corrected the error message that displays when a device attempts to re-share with the same user.
        4User ProfileIn the Ayla Aura 6.7.1 release for iOS, we resolved an issue in which the user profile would perform an unnecessary refresh while the user signed in and out of the app.
        5User Interface
        Device Configuration
        In both the 6.7.1 iOS and 6.7.01 Android releases of Ayla Mobile Foundry, developers can choose to show or hide devices used during development.

        In Ayla Mobile Foundry 6.7.1 for iOS, we also added the following:
        • The isDevelopmentDevice flag in device config to indicate whether the AylaDevice is a development device.

        • A notification-only flow in Rules.
        6RulesIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla Mobile Foundry, we resolved an issue in which the activity indicator continued to spin even if an error occurred while creating the rule.
        7User Interface
        In the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla FastTrack, we now display the build number in the FastTrack support screen and added support for the following:
        • Firebase analytics

        • The Ayla Smart Plug
        User Interface
        In the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla FastTrack, you can configure your developmentDevice setting in the device config file to enable you to do the following by tapping three times on the screen title:
        • Show or hide all devices in the Device List.

        • Add devices.

        • Share devices.
        9Device SharingIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue with the device sharing status in which it was not enabled or disabled when selecting or unselecting the checkbox.
        10OnboardingIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an onboarding issue in which the onboarding flow stopped at the progress screen (unable to change to the personalization screen) if the device was registered but not connected to the Ayla Device Service.
        11Mobile AppIn the iOS 6.7.1 release of Ayla FastTrack, we resolved issue in which the mobile app crashed when the smart bulb model was being swapped.
        12Configuration SettingsWe added auraconfig support for EU and CN abbreviations in the 6.7.01 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android.
        13Test RunnerIn the 6.7.01 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we added the following to improve Test Runner:
        • Support for managing properties.

        • Connectivity checks before starting.

        • Better reporting on single-and multi-test results.
        14FastTrack Smart Plug
        FastTrack Color Smart Bulb
        In the Ayla Aura and FastTrack 6.7.01 release for Android, we added support for the FastTrack Smart Plug and Color Bulb.
        In Ayla Aura 6.7.01 for Android, we moved the Baidu and WeChat OAuth code out of the US default, making it available to other regions globally.
        16LoginIn the 6.7.01 Android release of Ayla Aura, Mobile Foundry, Fast Track, and AMAP, we refactored Google Sign-In options for all variants and deprecated code to improve the log-in process for users.
        In the 6.7.01 Android release, we now support the following for Ayla Mobile Foundry:
        • Simplified rule-based device and property notifications

        • Biometrics class (which replaces fingerprint)
        18DeviceIn the 6.7.01 release of Ayla FastTrack for Android, we resolved an issue in which the Device List did not refresh, particularly when the list was empty.
        19User InterfaceIn the Ayla FastTrack 6.7.01 release for Android, the Device List filter option now shows new entries at the top of the list upon a refresh.
        20User ProfileIn the 6.7.01 release of AMAP for Android, we resolved issue in which profile information was still showing after deleting the account.
        21PermissionsIn the AMAP 6.7.01 release for Android, we resolved an issue in which there was a missing call to super in the onRequestPermissionsResult() method.

        July 19, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe added real-time monitoring for Groups and Scenes to continually check all aspects of performance and quickly respond to any issues.
        2DevicesOEM Admin users can now access the “Remote Client” and send commands from the Device Control tab in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        3Device SearchWe resolved an issue with slow response times when searching for devices by the Device Serial Number (DSN) in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        4RulesWe resolved intermittent performance issues (i.e., network lag) by improving the routing algorithm to reduce CPU utilization.
        5Device ConnectivityWe resolved an issue in which the Connection History in the Ayla Customer Dashboard was showing the same timestamp for "offline" as when the device was online.
        6Device SchedulesWe added an option to clear the End Time setting in Device Schedules. This enables users to change the schedule from a specific time range to continuous.
        7Command CenterWe resolved an issue with deleting jobs that had a large number of devices (more than 1000).
        8Command CenterWe improved the performance of Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs by increasing the threshold for simultaneous device updates from 100 to 500.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        July 12, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterTo keep you abreast of each stage during your Host OTA job, we added new statuses for Downloading and Downloaded to the Job Reports tab in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        2Command CenterFrom the Device Filters tab in the Ayla Customer Dashboard, you can now open a new browser tab to view, edit, and configure a device when you click its DSN in the Device List.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        July 5, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Device OnboardingWe resolved an intermittent device provisioning issue that occurred when registering devices between 1 - 2 AM EST using the AP-Mode Registration Method.
        2Command CenterWe resolved an issue with deleting filters configured for a large number of device serial numbers (DSNs).
        3DatapointsWe resolved a date parsing issue occurring in daylight savings time zones. The Update At Cloud date displayed for the datapoint in the Ayla Customer Dashboard did not match the backend response value.

        Edge Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Remote Device ManagementThe 2.9.10 release of the Ayla Production Agent for the Murata 1LD model has been improved as follows:
        • Upon receiving notifications, the device now requests commands (not property updates) from the Cloud even if listen was not enabled by the microcontroller unit (MCU).

        • To facilitate troubleshooting, the platform now supports enabling the client listen command from the Command Line Interface (CLI).

        • The device now has an auto-recovery process in which the device makes sure it is able to get commands from the Cloud at least once every 24 hours and if the device cannot do this, it resets itself.
        2Device ConnectivityThe 2.9.9 release of the Ayla Production Agent for the Murata 1LD model provides the following improvements:
        • Domain Name System (DNS) cache entries are not deleted when the device loses connectivity to the plaftform.

        • We added statistics to the notification mechanism to enhance the troubleshooting process.

        • We added enhancements to reduce memory usage.
        3Device Connectivity
        Wi-Fi Connectivity
        Wi-Fi Setup
        In the 2.9.9 release of the Ayla Production Agent for the Murata 1LD model, we resolved various issues related to performance, Wi-Fi connectivity, and Wi-Fi setup. Following are some examples:
        • LAN mode no longer crashes after an MCU response timeout.

        • When disconnected for a short time, the device no longer expects listen to be enabled if the MCU was not notified of the outage.

        • In LAN mode, the first request for a property no longer times out.

        • We resolved an issue in which under some conditions, multiple simultaneous accesses to the Wi-Fi chip would cause the chip to become unresponsive, and the module would reset to recover.

        • We resolved an intermittent issue in which responses from the device to the Cloud were taking too long to time out if the network connection was lost. We now have a 25-second timer on all property sends to the Cloud, which cancels the send operation if any underlying network issues arise.

        • We reduced memory usage to use module resources more efficiently, and prevent memory exhaustion errors.

        • When an invalid URL for a file datapoint is received, the module now recognizes the error, terminates the file property operation, and continues to fetch other commands or post properties.

        • There is no longer a memory leak after the final probe timeout.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        June 28, 2021

        No new release notes this week.

        June 21, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Message TemplatesWe resolved an issue with email templates in which the customized email was configured to show the product name, but incorrectly included the property name instead.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1DebuggingFor both the iOS and Android 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved several issues with static code analysis.
        2BluetoothIn the iOS 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added support for Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSI) and Basic Service Set Identifiers (BSSID).
        3SchedulesFor the iOS 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we included a new AylaSchedule method that has initialization support.
        4Groups and ScenesFor the iOS and Android 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we added custom email support for sharing with a top-level group.
        5PaaGFor the iOS 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Mobile Foundry, we added a new Connect Local Device method that has configurable timeout for PaaG (Phone as a Gateway) devices.
        6RulesFor the iOS release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we resolved the following:
        • The Ayla Rule formatDatapointExpression no longer returns the wrong expression for the Number type.

        • There are no longer any issues with XCode 12.5 unit test build when “new” is used to create objects.
        7Device LogsIn the 6.7.0 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, we added support for log levels in the auraconfig file.
        In the 6.7.0 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we created an app note on how to change log level settings.
        8PropertiesIn the 6.7.0 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, you can use default properties for the Ayla Shield Dev Kit if the managed properties are omitted.
        9Test RunnerIn the 6.7.0 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, we added a Cloud-mode test to Test Runner.
        For Ayla Aura on both iOS and Android, we improved the device and property support for Test Runner.
        10FastTrack Color Smart BulbIn the iOS 6.7.0 release of Ayla FastTrack and Mobile Foundry, we added the following support and features for FastTrack Color Smart Bulb:
        • A new device onboarding flow that provides the option to configure the Wi-Fi Access Point over Bluetooth Low Energy.

        • White mode and color mode support.

        • Preset values for white temperature and color modes.

        • Custom control for dynamic white temperature and color mode selection.

        • Device listeners to reflect external changes in the UI.
        11SchedulesWe are currently working on bug fixes and enhancements related to displaying and triggering device schedules.
        12OnboardingIn the iOS 6.7.0 release of Ayla FastTrack, we modified the AP mode Wi-Fi icons.
        13OnboardingIn the iOS 6.7.0 release of Ayla FastTrack, we resolved an issue in which the sign-up fields were not clearing after clicking the links for the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
        14Groups and ScenesIn the 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we added support for schedules.
        15SDKIn the 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we made the following improvements:
        • Upgraded the unit test framework to use InstrumentationRegistry.

        • Updated the pre-AndroidX libraries, API calls, and import statements.

        • Upgraded the WeChat SDK to the latest version, 6.6.23.

        • Removed allowBackup="true" from all AndroidManifest files.

        • Added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permissions to allow BLE scanning.
        In the 6.7.0 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android, we resolved issues with the following:
        • The ScanResults RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicators) value in the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) /Wi-Fi onboarding flow.

        • The handling of the AylaCollectionProperty basetype.
        17Ayla Aura (General Updates)In the 6.7.0 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we updated the pre-AndroidX libraries, API calls, and import statements.

        June 14, 2021

        No new release notes this week.

        June 7, 2021

        No new release notes this week.

        May 31, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe removed the option to include additional devices in a filter to simplify the UI. Customers were not using this option, according to feedback and usage data.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 24, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe resolved an issue in which confirmation messages displayed even when an error occurred. Now, if there is an error, only the error message banner displays.
        2InsightsWe resolved an issue with “Active” device counts in which the number of active devices was not calculated properly.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 17, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe resolved an issue with schedules in which the start time for OTA jobs did not work as expected in certain scenarios.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 10, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Message TemplatesWe updated our customizable email templates. You can now specify a different "From Address" in the email header as an alternative to the default email address.
        2Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue with the Sunrise/Sunset schedules triggering outside the user’s settings.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        May 3, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Ack-Enabled PropertiesWe resolved an issue in which the Ayla cloud was not reflecting an ack-enabled property change when responding to GETs, even though the device had echoed this property change to update the cloud (via HTTP POST).
        2RulesWe resolved an isolated caching issue in which there was a rule triggering outside the date range setting for the datapoint.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 26, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe resolved two issues with Multi-Component OTA jobs:

        1. An error with the Time Since Activation setting for the Lifecycle/Status filter.

        2. An error related to a corner case where two components had the same firmware target value.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 19, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue in which shared users were not able to fetch group information using the device serial number (DSN).
        2Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue in which users still had access to shared devices after the sharing access was removed.

        Edge Platform

        The following release notes are for the Ayla Integrated Agent: ESP32 ada-1.7.0.

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1SchedulesThis release of the Integrated Agent includes the ability for users to define device schedules based on local sunrise and sunset times.
        2ESP-IDFWe added support for the latest ESP-IDF 4.1 to improve signed binaries and encrypted flash.
        3ESP-IDFIn this release of the Integrated Agent, we resolved various bugs related to performance issues, Wi-Fi connectivity, and Wi-Fi setup.
        4Wi-Fi SecurityWe added WPA3 support to enable customers to meet the latest requirement for the Wi-Fi Alliance Certification.
        5CLIWe added support to enable CLI commands to be sent remotely by Ayla Admins from the Ayla Customer Dashboard to aid in troubleshooting.
        6Wi-Fi ConnectivityWe added auto-recovery from connectivity issues so that Ayla devices reset themselves if they are unable to get a command from the Cloud within a 24-hour period.
        7Wi-Fi Setup Over BLEWe added the option to disable the BLE passkey authentication.
        8OTAWe allow applications to request larger OTA chunks to improve the overall OTA time.
        9ESP-IDFWe provide additional power-saving modes as supported by the latest ESP-IDF.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 12, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1User InterfaceWe resolved an issue with loading the following pages in the Ayla Customer Dashboard:
        • The Profile page for the logged-in user.

        • All of the tabs when viewing or editing the end user’s details.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        April 5, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1User InterfaceWhen you save, update, and delete configurations in the Ayla Customer Dashboard, a success message banner displays across the top of the page when the action is completed successfully, or an error message message banner displays if there is an issue. Both banners remain on the page until the user closes the message or leaves the page.
        2Command CenterThe OEM::SupportManager role now has complete access to Host OTA jobs in the Command Center, which includes privileges to schedule, stop, start, and delete jobs. Previously, this role only had the ability to create, edit, and clone jobs. Click here for information on Roles in the Ayla Platform

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesFor both the iOS 6.6.6 and Android 6.6.07 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we made the following enhancements:
        • Added support for base types in the scene properties.

        • Added base type support to the init method for the AylaCollectionProperty.

        For iOS 6.6.6, we also updated the application notes for using the mobile SDK.

        For Android 6.6.07, we also changed the default for pagination to False.

        2Groups and ScenesIn the Android 6.6.07 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we fixed the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for Ayla Groups and Scenes services.
        3Command CenterIn the 6.6.6 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, we improved the filters for OTA jobs in the Command Center.
        4Device LogsIn the 6.6.6 release of Ayla Aura for iOS, we added log levels to auraconfig.

        In the 6.6.07 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we added the following support for file and console logs:

        • auraconfig support for consoleLogLevel and fileLoglevel.

        • file and console level configurations to the App Settings screen.
        5SchedulesIn the 6.6.07 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we improved the schedule datepicker.
        6Command CenterIn the 6.6.07 release of Ayla Aura for Android, we improved the User Consent delivery option for OTA jobs in the Command Center.
        7User InterfaceIn both the 6.6.07 release of Ayla Aura and AMAP for Android, we added pull to refresh the Device List filter option.

        March 29, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1NotificationsWe resolved an issue in which some notifications were sent via SMS but none were sent via email when the SMTP Settings were not configured. If the SMTP settings are not configured, the notifications will be sent using the default Ayla SMTP configuration. Click here for information on configuring SMTP settings.
        2Groups and ScenesWe added the following enhancements to the Groups and Scenes feature:
        • When you share a collection with another user, that user has access to all devices in the collection, including those in the child collection. A child collection is a particular type of devices that may be associated with more than one collection. For example, you may have a collection called Living Room, which contains a group of various devices, and then associate a child collection called Ceiling Fans that is also associated with other collections. Click here for a description of Groups and Scenes.

        • Users now automatically have access to any new devices that you add to your shared collection.
        3DealersWe resolved the issue in which APIs (specifically /api/v1/users/index_by_label and /api/v1/users/index_by_role) were not returning the customers' phone numbers when logged in as a Dealer User. All of the following APIs contain phone numbers in the response schema:
        • /api/v1/users/index_by_label

        • /api/v1/users/index_by_oem

        • /api/v1/users/index_by_role

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 22, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1InsightsWe added a Billing Data tab to Ayla Insights. This new feature enables you to stay up to date with and analyze platform consumption and usage for billing purposes. When you log in to the Insights Dashboard, the Billing Data tab is accessible from the main Insights menu.
        2DevicesWe resolved an issue in which some gateway devices in the US field environment were showing duplicate offline events in the device’s connection history while the device was actually still online.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 15, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe added a number of indexes to address slow queries that lead to random and intermittent errors during Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs in the Command Center.
        2Groups and ScenesWe added Collection Share support for message templates in the Groups and Scenes feature. This enables you to create and update notifications for collection sharing. For example, you can send a notification to tell a family member that they can view and activate one of your Groups and Scenes configurations in the household. Click here for a description of Groups and Scenes.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 8, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesWe resolved an issue affecting the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) in which when trying to fetch all groups (owned and shared) using the GSS-Groups API, the SDK only returned the owned groups, not the shared groups.
        2DealersWe updated the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to broaden data access for dealers. Dealers with OEM::Admin and OEM::Staff roles can use the oems/{oem_id}/end_users API to view all end users’ phone numbers. This enables dealers to robustly gather data on their end users. Click here for more information on roles/privileges.
        3Message TemplatesWe added a subject.txt file to the custom email samples. Users should provide the subject of the email in this new subject.txt file for security reasons. Click here for more information on message templates and using the custom email samples.
        4PropertiesWe resolved an issue in which the device received the wrong file property datapoint for the file. The user was able to upload a new file/create a new file property datapoint even though the previous file property datapoint was not closed (marked as fetched). As a result, the device was receiving the incorrect file property datapoint (the previous one that was not closed) for the new file. File property datapoints must be marked as fetched to allow for subsequent file uploads/downloads. Refer to the tech note on Ayla File Properties for more information on how they work.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        March 1, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe applied a user filter to resolve a user access issue with the device_job API. This issue occurred when the GET user devices API was called to fetch DSNs (Device Serial Numbers) only.
        2Command CenterWhen the device_job API is used without any query parameters (i.e. oem_model, device_status, dsns, etc.), the query times out and returns a 500 error code.
        3Command CenterWe improved the formatting in the Excel file for the downloaded Job Report, e.g. removed unnecessary columns in sections where they were not needed. Click here for more information on the Job Report in Ayla’s IoT Command Center.
        4Data Streaming ServiceIn Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS), we deprecated all older DSS functionality, which has been added to and improved in our robust event-based DSS. Click here for user documentation on DSS.
        5Command CenterWe added statuses for Activated At dates/times to the Filter Preview in the Create Using Query filter option. This enables you to review the before and after activation dates/times of devices that should be included in the Host OTA job. Click here for more information on creating host OTA jobs in Ayla’s IoT Command Center.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesFor iOS 6.6.5 and Android 6.6.06 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we did the following:
        • Improved and added unit tests for scheduling and sharing.

        • Added CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) support for Group Sharing.

        • Added CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) support for Scheduled Scene triggering, but does not include SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

        • Updated the application notes for using the mobile SDK.

        For iOS 6.6.5, we updated AppleDoc from in-line comments.

        For Android 6.6.06, we updated JavaDoc from in-line comments.

        2OTAFor iOS 6.6.5 and Android 6.6.06 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we included the following to improve User Consent jobs:
        • Support for multiple job status filters.


        • Updates to OTA test units.
        Groups and Scenes
        Both the iOS 6.6.5 and Android 6.6.06 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) have the following issues:

        For OTA:

        • The oem_model and dsns parameters are marked as optional, but if either is omitted, a 500 error code is returned.

        • Device statuses for DOWNLOADING and DOWNLOADED are not implemented yet.

        For Groups and Scenes Collection Shares:

        • Updating a Share without devices fails.

        • Fetching owned shares and receiving shares are not filtered by collection type.

        • Share all Collections is not implemented yet.

        • Collection Share support for the OEM message template is not implemented yet.

        For Groups and Scenes:

        • The ability to retrieve groups or scenes based on matching a custom_attribute keyword or value is not implemented yet.

        • When updating or setting ": "10",
          "0-1": "<img s states in a collection, the property value returns the wrong type.

        • You cannot add a scene under a group.
        4User InterfaceIn the iOS 6.6.5 release of the Ayla Aura, we resolved the following issues:
        • Displaying start and end times for schedules.

        • Selecting the dark theme when the app is in the foreground.
        5Device SharesIn the iOS 6.6.5 release of Ayla Mobile Foundry, we improved the ability to display shares by grouping based on the user.
        6User InterfaceIn the iOS 6.6.5 release of Ayla Mobile Foundry, we resolved the issue with displaying the device LAN IP address in the Device Info screen.
        7CryptographyIn the Android 6.6.06 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), Ayla Aura, Mobile Foundry, and AMAP, we upgraded the cryptography library to Bouncy Castle version 1.68, which requires the following additions to the application gradle.properties file:
        • android.jetifier.blacklist = bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar

        • android.jetifier.ignorelist with AGP 4.2
        8OTAIn the Android 6.6.06 release of Ayla Aura, we included multi-filter options in our OTA support.
        9Sepia FrameworkIn the Android 6.6.06 release of Mobile Foundry, we added a new method to push a SepiaScreen that was already created.
        10FastTrackIn the Android 6.6.06 release of Mobile Foundry, we made backport improvements for FastTrack.

        February 22, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Data Streaming ServiceWe added two connectivity events to Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS):
        • Initializing - STATUS_INITIALIZING = "initializing";

        • Polling Online - STATUS_POLLING_ONLINE = "pollingOnline";

        You can use the new connection statuses to know when specific devices enter the initialization or polling online states. For example, you may want to tell end users the most up-to-date status, like when devices are in the polling online state, in case the devices are experiencing latency for control events.

        2Command CenterWe added a Job Report tab to Ayla’s IoT Command Center so that you can review your host OTA jobs, as well as modify some aspects of jobs that are in progress. This tab provides the ability to:
        • Review the operational status of a specific device or all devices for the selected host OTA job.

        • Remove devices queued to receive the OTA update from the selected host OTA job.

        • Retry to download the OTA update to devices that failed to complete the last update.

        • Download the entire OTA Job Report.

        Click here for information on how to use this tab.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        February 15, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1ReportsWe updated the reports API to support the End User role so that end users can issue calls to access the get_raw_data_points report and retrieve historic data. Previously, only the OEM Admin role was allowed to complete these actions.
        2ICC Host OTAWe refined our OTA features to ensure a robust and stable delivery of all firmware OTA updates configured in Ayla’s IoT Command Center (ICC). Some of our main focus areas have been:

        Click here for more information on the Command Center in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Sunrise/Sunset SchedulesThe iOS 6.6.4 and Android 6.6.05 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) support the sunrise and sunset settings in Ayla schedules. If your device and its firmware version support the ability to execute schedules based on sunrise and sunset times, you can configure these settings. Refer to the Ayla Developer Portal User’s Guide for more information on enabling and configuring Sunrise/Sunset setting in your schedules.
        2Groups and ScenesIn the iOS 6.6.4 and Android 6.6.05 releases of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), we improved and added unit tests for the alpha release of Groups and Scenes. For iOS 6.6.4, we also added the following:
        • Corrections to APIs and their documentation

        • Metrics for create collection

        • Custom attributes for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) support

        • Groups and Scenes developer’s application note in /doc folder

        For Android 6.6.05, we also added the following:

        • Updates to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIs to match the Groups and Scenes Service APIs

        • Triggering API for Groups and Scenes

        • JavaDoc and AppleDoc from in-line comments

        • Application notes for using the mobile SDK
        3Device Onboarding
        For the iOS 6.6.4 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK):
        • We improved unhappy path flows to enhance the device onboarding experience.

        • We added CreateDestinations() helper API support for message services.

        • We have additional metrics support for feature usage.
        4Location PrivacyIn the iOS 6.6.4 release, we improved location privacy for iOS 14 in Aura and Mobile Foundry.
        5FastTrackFor Mobile Foundry, we improved the user interface (UI) for FastTrack schedules with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in the iOS 6.6.4 release, and added the following UI support in both the iOS 6.6.4 and Android 6.6.05 releases:
        • FastTrack Timer

        • FastTrack Usage

        • FastTrack History

        • FastTrack Device Share

        In the Android 6.6.05 release, we also made the following backport improvements for FastTrack:

        • A new method to theme a table layout

        • A new radio button using the current theme

        • Better toolbar color theming
        Device Onboarding
        In the iOS 6.6.4 release of Mobile Foundry, we improved the localization text and added the following to improve the on-boarding process:
        • Support for registration via cellular data

        • Showing progress during Wi-Fi disconnections
        7Local Privacy NetworkIn the iOS 6.6.4 release, local network privacy does not have an API to check for allowed or denied, which may cause the on-boarding process to fail. Refer to the iOS 14 Privacy Changes document for details.
        8RulesIn the Android 6.6.05 release of the Software Development Kit, we fixed a bug in the rule integer expression.
        9Sepia FrameworkIn the Android 6.6.05 release of Mobile Foundry, we reverted AllDevicesScreen to AllSepiaDevicesScreen.

        February 8, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe resolved a Command Center issue in which devices that came online after the OTA job was started (and still active) did not receive the OTA update until the job was stopped and restarted.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 25, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1RulesWe resolved the issue with slow responses and timeouts when issuing calls to the message service, e.g. GET /messageservice/v1/destinations.
        2MigrationWe resolved the issue in which migrating templates from the US Development to US Field environment were failing with a 422 error code. Click here for more information on Template Migration in the Ayla Customer Dashboard.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 18, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1TriggersWe resolved the following trigger notification issues:
        • Trigger notifications configured for email and SMS (Short Message Service) using contact_id were missing rules from the configuration. This was occurring because the contact_id was referenced instead of the email or SMS.

        • Trigger notifications configured to be sent to 2 or more destinations (i.e. email or SMS) were only sent to one of the destinations.
        2TemplatesWe resolved a template property issue in which a mime_type error occurred while configuring a property in the Ayla Developer Portal when the base type was set to message, and either of the first two MIME types were selected: application/json or application/octet-stream.
        3UsersWe resolved the latency issues with database queries when issuing User Service API calls (particularly /api/v1/users/index_by_oem.json and /oems/293/end_user ).

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Groups and ScenesFor both the iOS 6.6.3 and Android 6.6.04 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK), an alpha release of device Groups and Scenes is available for US Development. Groups enable the user to view and control (perform a single action on) a collection of similar devices (i.e. lights) as a single entity. Scenes enable the user to activate different types of actions to a group of different devices at the same time (e.g. the action might be “morning” and when activated the coffee machine starts, the thermostat is set to a different temperature, and the window shades are raised.) This first phase includes:
        • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIs

        • Triggering API for Groups

        • Unit tests for Groups and Scenes

        • AppleDoc generated from inline comments
        2Local Privacy NetworkIn the iOS 6.6.3 release, local network privacy does not have an API to check for allowed or denied, which may cause the on-boarding process to fail. Refer to the iOS 14 Privacy Changes document for details.
        3Device Onboarding
        LAN Mode
        For the iOS 6.6.3 release, in the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK):
        • We improved unhappy path flows to enhance the device onboarding experience.

        • We updated rules-based notifications and inline documentation to address onboarding errors.

        • We optimized property retrieval in LAN Mode.

        In Aura, we improved the error handling of unhappy paths on BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Wi-Fi.

        4Social LoginIn the iOS 6.6.3 release, Ayla Mobile Foundry also includes user interface improvements, such as the ability to add and remove the social login using Foundry.json.
        5Device SetupIn iOS 6.6.3, we fixed the issue causing Ayla Mobile Foundry to crash when launching the advance setup on the iPad.
        6NotificationsIn the iOS 6.6.3 release, we added rules-based notifications for email, SMS (Short Message Service), and push.
        7Trigger NotificationsIn the Android 6.6.04 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Ayla Aura, we deprecated trigger-based notifications for email, SMS (Short Message Service), and push.
        8Device OnboardingThe Android 6.6.04 release provides improvements to the user interface, user experience, and Wi-Fi setup for Ayla Aura, such as a larger tap region for advanced set-up flows and the ability to cancel and close BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Wi-Fi set-up processes.
        9Setup TokenIn the Android 6.6.04 release, we fixed the issue in which the set-up token for Wi-Fi and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) was not sent and returned an error.
        10RegistrationIn the Android 6.6.04 release, AMAP has the following issues:
        • The legacy DevKit fails when using the Same LAN registration method.

        • The Play Store release is still in review.

        January 11, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1SchedulesWe fixed the issue in which there were duplicate scheduled actions appearing in Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs. This occurred after associating a new template, which was then used for OTA jobs created and started on the Ayla Customer Dashboard.
        2OTABased on an intermittent issue in which the success or failed status_update call was not propagated in the Over-the-Air (OTA) services, we changed to an asynchronous process making status updates more robust and stable.
        3SchedulesWe improved the Schedule API to use a JSON metadata object to confirm that the device supports the Sunrise/Sunset feature. This feature enables you to configure local sunrise and sunset times in Ayla schedules if your device and its firmware version support the ability to execute schedules based on sunrise and sunset settings. The new metadata object ("metadata":{ "sunrise_sunset":true}) can be returned via GET APIs or set by the client application. If your device does not support sunrise/sunset settings, the sunrise_sunset key value pair is omitted; it is not necessary to use a sunrise_sunset:false key value pair.
        4TriggersWe fixed an issue in which device property triggers were not completely removed from the platform when deleting the trigger notification.
        5DevicesWe fixed an issue in which the getRules endpoint ignored the input parameters for specific DSNs (Device Serial Numbers) or UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) and instead returned all rules for devices/users mapped to the DSN or UUID specified.
        6TriggersWe fixed the issue in which changing notification preferences caused the trigger notification to fail.
        7Command CenterWe increased the OTA image size limitation to 512 MB in Ayla’s IoT Command Center.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        January 4, 2021

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1UsersWe resolved an issue with signing in to a newly created account when the primary contact is set to email. The email and username were not syncing and did not update properly.
        2SchedulesWe resolved the issue in which all of the schedule settings except the scheduled actions were lost when associating a new template to a device.
        3Data Streaming ServiceDatapoint Acknowledgement Events (datapoint_ack) are now supported in Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS). When the device sends a datapoint acknowledgement message, this event is also sent to the DSS streams.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        December 14, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1PropertiesWe resolved a file property delivery issue in which the file property was marked as fetched before the file property datapoint was marked complete, and the error logs showed 500 status codes. This was seen when delivering the set_zone property, and when the device was cycling (switching) between two template versions. Click here for more information on File Properties.
        2Data Streaming ServiceWe resolved an issue in which all datastreams that the user created in Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS) were removed after deleting the OEM user. Only personally identifiable information should be removed upon deleting an OEM user; all of the OEM user’s configurations that affect other users should not be removed.
        3DevicesWe resolved an issue in which the devices Search | By Property feature in the Ayla Customer Dashboard was failing with a 401 response. To use this feature, in the dashboard, click Devices in the left navigational panel, click SEARCH DEVICES on the All Devices tab, click the By Properties tab.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        December 7, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Command CenterWe resolved an API issue when using the OTA Job Details feature (Icc_JobDetails) in Ayla’s IoT Command Center. When creating an OTA job with host_ota for a single or multi-component image, after updating the host_ota action, the property_name either no longer showed as null, or displayed the previous property name instead of the new one.
        2Data Streaming ServiceWe added a datastream option for datapoint acknowledgements to Ayla’s Data Streaming Service (DSS). This enables you to stream data on acknowledgments that confirm whether or not property values were updated. Click here for the user documentation on this feature.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        November 30, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1DevicesWe resolved the issue in which the local time was not updating properly on some devices after doing a factory reset or when the initial provisioning process failed. With regard to the factory reset, the device did not sync the timezone after 36 hours.
        2SchedulesWe resolved the issue in which schedule actions kept duplicating when you cloned a private device template more than two times and then re-associated the second (or subsequent) cloned template to a device. This issue was also occurring on Over-the-Air (OTA) jobs that were using cloned private templates.
        3FeedsWe changed the SQS (Simple Queue Service) configuration to fix the issue in which weather feed properties (e.g. outdoor temperature) were not being updated per their configured data feed update intervals (e.g. 1 hour).
        4FeedsWe fixed an incorrect queue name in the SQS (Simple Queue Service) configuration to resolve the issue in which inconsistent datapoint values were posted for weather feed properties.
        5FeedsWe found and updated an incorrect mapping in the feed-processor code to resolve the issue with missing data for air quality properties (such as Ozone-O3).

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        IOS Update
        The iOS 6.6.2 release included the following:
        • Support for both trigger and rules-based notifications

        2Local Network PrivacyIn the iOS 6.6.2 release, local network privacy does not have an API to check for allowed or denied, which may cause the on-boarding process to fail. Refer to the iOS 14 Privacy Changes document for details.
        3User InterfaceIn the iOS 6.6.2 release, Ayla Mobile Foundry also includes user interface improvements, such as the ability to add and remove the social login using Foundry.json.
        4Device OnboardingFor iOS 6.6.2, we fixed the issue causing Ayla Mobile Foundry to crash when launching the advance setup on the iPad.
        5NotificationsFor the iOS 6.6.2 release, we added rules-based notifications for email, SMS (Short Message Service), and push.
        6NotificationsIn the Android 6.6.03 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Ayla Aura, we deprecated trigger-based notifications for email, SMS (Short Message Service), and push.
        7Device OnboardingThe Android 6.6.03 release provides improvements to the user interface, user experience, and Wi-Fi setup for Ayla Aura, such as a larger tap region for advanced set-up flows and the ability to cancel and close BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Wi-Fi set-up processes.
        8Device OnboardingFor Android 6.6.03, we fixed the issue in which the setup token for Wi-Fi and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) was not sent and returned an error.
        9RegistrationIn the Android 6.6.03 release, AMAP has the following issues:
        • The legacy DevKit fails when using the Same LAN registration method.

        • The Play Store release is still in review.

        November 16, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Data Streaming ServiceWe resolved the issue in which an error occurred when attempting to edit or view an existing datastream in the Ayla Customer Dashboard and when sending a GET request on an existing datastream.
        2NotificationsWe resolved the issue in which multiple device notifications (SMS, push, and email) were sent for a single datapoint event.
        3Gateway DeviceWe resolved the issue in which the connectivity status of the nodes were incorrectly reported when a gateway device went offline and online. This was occurring when the event_time was the same for both the offline and online status.
        4Device PropertiesWe resolved the issue in which multiple property values were sent when only changing one device property. When a device property was changed (in the to-device direction), the GET command (GET /devices//commands.xml) showed multiple property datapoints were received.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1WPA3 SecurityIn the iOS 6.6.1 and Android 6.6.02 releases, for customers who want to obtain Wi-Fi certification for their devices, we added WPA3 Support and updated Wi-Fi Security type strings to the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Ayla applications.
        2Local Network PrivacyIn the iOS 6.6.1 release, local network privacy does not have an API to check for allowed or denied, which may cause the on-boarding process to fail. Refer to the iOS 14 Privacy Changes document for details.
        Sepia Framework
        In the iOS 6.6.1 release, Ayla Mobile Foundry also includes the following enhancements:

        • Improved Sepia themes support. Sepia is a cross-platform framework for Android and iOS that allows developers to quickly create Ayla IoT mobile applications with very little effort. Sepia themes are used, for example, in configuring colors and fonts for multi-color mode). For more information, click here.

        • Build improvements for fastlane, a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate simple tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and releasing your application.
        4Device OnboardingIn the Android 6.6.02 release of Ayla Aura, we improved the user experience for advanced device on-boarding.
        5Device OnboardingIn the Android 6.6.02 release of the Ayla Software Development Kit (SDK) and Ayla Mobile Foundry, we improved unhappy path errors reported during the onboarding process.
        6RegistrationIn the Android 6.6.02 release, AMAP has the following issues:
        • The legacy DevKit fails when using the Same LAN registration method.

        • The Play Store release is still in review.

        November 2, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1PropertiesWe improved the processing of batch properties (batch_datapoints API) to drive better platform scalability and performance.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 26, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1Data Streaming ServiceIn a recent update, we implemented a deactivated status to be sent to the Data Streaming Service (DSS) to fix the issue in which nodes were not deactivated or removed after issuing the following:
        DELETE /dev/v1/dsns/<gateway_device_dsn>/nodes/<node_dsn>.json
        PUT /apiv1/devices/{devId}/cmds/factory_reset

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 19, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1OTAThe POST datapoint to oem_host_version API (/dev/v1/dsns/:dsn /properties/oem_host_version/datapoints) is no longer returning a 500 error to gateway devices when you attempt to update a template with new properties (for new features) after OTA (Over-the-Air) updates.
        2OTAA recent update resolves the issue in which software version events (host_sw_version) and OTA reporting events (for host version updates) were not triggered/updated.
        3RulesRecent enhancements to Ayla’s Rule Service have greatly reduced latencies and improved delivery speeds of events, for example, when using Ayla DataStream Service. This enables you to react to your fleet’s events quicker than before.
        4DealersWe resolved the issue in which users were receiving a 406 error after clicking the link in the confirmation email for a new dealer account that was created in the dashboard.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        October 5, 2020

        Cloud Platform

        Release TypeFeatureSummary
        1PropertiesWhen implementing to-device message properties for the Ayla Portable Agent, the Ayla Cloud apiv1 API no longer returns a 422 error when the size of the message property is larger than 1024 bytes. The maximum size of a message property is 512 KB.
        2UsersEnd users can sign in to Ayla mobile and web applications using their Apple credentials. This includes the ability to create, update, delete, and manage Apple log-in accounts for your Ayla applications using the Ayla Customer Dashboard. Click here for the user documentation on this new feature.
        3DevicesWe fixed the issue in which the Ayla Customer Dashboard was not showing devices shared with the end user.
        4MapsWe fixed the issue with users not being able to see maps in their application after sending the HTTP GET request.
        5ProfileWhen creating or editing an application in the Ayla Customer Dashboard, you will no longer experience spinning issues while uploading a PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) file for the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). Click here for the steps to create or edit applications in the dashboard.

        Edge Platform

        No release notes added this week.

        Mobile Platform

        No release notes added this week.