Jan20, 2024

This week we added release notes for Cloud Platform and Edge Platform.

Cloud Platform

Release typeEnvironmentFeatureSummary
1EnhancedSharkICC Search
OTA Service
  • Performed enhancements to User Consent Jobs to eliminate latency.
  • We added OEM Model validation during ICC job creation. This restricts job creation using a filter that is associated with a different OEM Model.
2New FeatureSharkICC ServiceAdded Kill Switch feature. This feature allows the users to stop a running One-Time job in case of an unexpected issue and thereby avoid any further processing of the devices.
3FixedSharkICC Service
Datapoint Service
Fixed an error wherein device search with property value as -1 was not returning expected records.
4FixedEU-FieldAyla Device Service
  • We fixed the issues causing SMS trigger creation errors.
  • Fixed an issue wherein the Device Type property of a device was not matching with the Template Type.

Edge Platform

Ayla Device Agent 3.1.3

Ayla Device Agent 3.1.3 for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.4.6 is now available.

This release includes Matter support. It is recommended for customers who want to build Matter-compliant devices that also connect to the Ayla platform, based on Espressif modules.

Below table provides the major changes included in this release:

Release typeFeatureSummary
1FixedLAN ModeFixed an issue wherein quickly switching the app between foreground and background made LAN mode unresponsive.
2FixedMatter LANFixed the issue wherein Aura app did not establish the matter local control connection.
3FixedDevice ControlFixed an issue wherein enabling setup mode via dashboard was failing due to unerased Wi-Fi profiles.
4FixedMatter Certificate
  • Upgraded ESP-IDF to v4.4.6 for CHIP
  • Fixed general app issues.
5New FeatureApplication InterfaceAdded the feature to drag/swipe on the color palette for the strip.
6New FeatureAyla Matter DemoDisabled HTTP server for ayla_matter_demo.
7New FeatureADAAdded the feature to flash LED when commissioning window opens and to stop flashing LED when commissioning window closes.
8New FeatureADAIn this version, we did not patch Nimble for matter devices.
9New FeatureADAAdded CLI to store rotating unique ID.

Ayla Device Agent 3.0.4

Ayla Device Agent 3.0.4 for Espressif ESP-IDF 4.4.2 is now available.

This release includes critical bug fixes for the Ayla MQTT agent. All customers using ada-3.0 or later should upgrade to this agent.

Below table provides the major changes included in this release:

Release typeFeatureSummary
1FixedMQTTFixed an issue wherein MQTT did not refresh time when authentication failed due to bad time.
2FixedDevice ControlFixed an issue wherein enabling setup mode via dashboard was failing due to unerased Wi-Fi profiles.