Get action types

This API returns an array of available action types. Examples include the following:

DATAPOINTaction to create a datapoint
EMAILaction to send an email
SMSaction to send and SMS
SUBSCRIPTIONaction to associate with a subscription rule
DIAGNOSTICaction to set diagnostic state
URLaction to call a URL
AMS_EMAILaction to call AMS with send EMAIL request
AMS_SMSaction to call AMS with send SMS request
DATASTREAMaction to stream data pipeline events to AWS Kinesis destination.
DATASTREAM_EVENTHUBaction to stream data pipeline events to Azure Event Hub destination
AMS_FCMaction to call AMS with send FCM request
AMS_APNSaction to call AMS with send APNS request
AMS_PUSHaction to call AMS with send PUSH request
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!