Update filter

Updates the specified filter.

Parameter nameDatatypeMandatory/OptionalDescription
nameStringOptionalUser-assigned subscription name.
descriptionStringOptionalUser friendly description of the Filter.
is_activeBooleanOptionalIndicate whether the current filter is active or not.
Default = True
filter_conditions.uuidStringMandatoryUUID of the filter_conditions.
filter_conditions.event_typeOptionalPossible event type values:
- connectivity
- registration
- datapoint
- datapointack
- location

To subscribe to all event_types, use empty array "[]".
filter_conditions.modelString ArrayOptionalModel associated with device.
To represent all models, use empty array "[]".
filter_conditions.dsnString ArrayOptional(Device Serial Number) Unique device identifier in Ayla cloud services.
To represent all DSNs, use empty array "[]".
filter_conditions.property_namesString ArrayConditional
- If event_type is getting updated to “datapoint”, “datapointack” and existing property_names for the filter is empty, then it is Mandatory.
Name of the property associated with the device.
NOTE: → NULL or "[]" will be considered as empty.
filter_conditions.oem_modelString ArrayOptionalUnique product model name.
To represent all OEM models, use empty array "[]".
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